Woke Zombie 🇺🇸😊 Profile picture
A typical Data-loving Jersey Girl Pronouns: Muppet/Clown
3 subscribers
Mar 30, 2023 16 tweets 8 min read
So the media has been regurgitating that "there has been a school shooting every week so far in 2023." They are referencing this document as the source.

There's only one problem. The majority of these aren't "school shootings".

Lets review:


edweek.org/leadership/sch… #1 Date: 1/6/23
Location: Newport News, VA

Injuries: 1
Deaths: 0

Situation: A 6 yr old brought a gun to school and shot their teacher. The firearm was a 9mm handgun. Child was said to be suffering from an acute disability and under a care plan".


Nov 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Still processing this abomination, but here are some thoughts.

If you can’t beat them, you join them. If you don’t join them, you already lost.

Republicans went into Election Day in PA down 800,000 to 250,000 in mail in votes.

How many elderly could they have reached that didn’t or couldn’t vote on Election Day?

How many Gen X, who are busy in their careers but were not available to vote on Election Day could have been reached with even the slightest effort at advertising mail in?

Jul 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Per request, here's some data around Child vaxx broken out by State. First, I picked a date a few days before 0-4 yr old approvals to start to see how many kids in each state had already received their first dose.

/1 As you can see a few states float to the top, but when you look at a population adjusted (adjusted for the 0-4yr old population), some float to the top.

The first question that comes to mind is how do 7 out of 50 states already have over 1.5% of that age group vaxxed?

May 22, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
#NJ #COVID19 Any politician ever bother to ask the NJDOH or Murphy how less than 1 case per 100k in the state is ever attainable? The CALI metric, which some schools are using to FORCE students back in masks, assumes a ZERO COVID strategy, since case rates will NEVER be green

/1 This metric was developed by the self avowed zerocovid nutters over at "Covid-Act Now" back 2 years ago, and was never changed despite not only the strategy shift away from "Covid zero is attainable", but was never adjusted for the significant increase in testing available

May 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
#NJ #COVID19 Nearly half of all LTCs are in "Outbreak" status in the state. This was the group that was supposed to be the most vaxxed, the most protected. More residents are testing positive than staff (who are less vaxxed). Noone thinks to ask whats going on? We basically have more 80+ hospitalized (as a percent of the total hospitalized) than at any other time since the summer the pandemic started. Despite these people being the most protected and most vaccinated. This doesnt make sense.
Feb 17, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
#US #COVID19 1,265 deaths in 2020-2021 occurred from falls from various structures (ice/snow, wheelchairs, trees, scaffolding). All counted as covid deaths. 1 death from contacting a powered lawnmower. Covid death.

3 deaths from a foreign body entering either an eye or "natural orifice" - Covid

Crushed between objects - Covid
Feb 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
#NJ #COVID19 Currently, there are 83 districts that are going mask optional on March 7th.

Meanwhile, there are 4 districts that have stated they will not drop mask mandates.

Those 4, Newark, Plainfield, Willingboro, and Camden. 3 out of 4 are Abbotts, lets look at racial makeup Newark:

91.0% Black + Hispanic
Jan 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
#NJ #COVID19 🚨🚨Breaking News 🚨🚨
Murphy's mask mandate in jeopardy as Committee may not keep mask EO in place.

Im calling on everyone in NJ with kids in school to fight back against the NJEA and let Steve Sweeney know its time to end Masks on Kids

njea.org/njea-failure-t… .@spillerfornjea Thinks that making masks mandatory keeps schools safe. He couldn't be further from the truth. Burbio tracks Mask policies across the US, you'll note than there's only a handful of states that mandate masks. All the others? Local Flexibility.
Jan 6, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
#NJ #COVID19 NJ finally released its interim TTS guidance. Its a disaster. They add so many extra hoops to jump through, many districts will tune it out. They still have not accepted 5 day quarantine despite the fact the CDC has said its for schools, too

nj.gov/health/cd/docu… First, schools need access to testing, but the state wants them to perform the testing ONSITE. They also lie about the vaccine reducing the spread of Covid19. This has been thoroughly debunked with Omicron.

Second, its only good for in school transmission. WTF?
Dec 18, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
#US #COVID19 Regarding the Sixth circuit ruling tonight, here are my thoughts (I'm no lawyer)

- Original En Banc vote was 8-8. Of these who wanted En Banc, 1 submitted an opinion for, with 7 others joining. 1 submitted an opinion against, with 5 joining.... - 3 who voted against En Banc but who did not join a submitted opinion were the 3 who were assigned the case from the 3 judge panel.

- Since the vote wasnt the majority, The En Banc motion failed

- The three who heard the case voted today, 2 to lift the stay and 1 to maintain..
Dec 17, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Updating my charts and adding several others from this data back in December.

Last several weeks of data points has shown a leveling of breakthrough infection. Meanwhile the breakthrough data continues to show only small increases during this most recent wave.

/1 Looking at reinfection alone, we aren't seeing much difference from the last look in, which under 2% of all cases being reinfection. This has been the case for the majority of the pandemic. Will be interesting to see this data once Omicron hits this area.

Dec 16, 2021 23 tweets 7 min read
#US #COVID19 The next time people tell you that Covid is affecting kids, keep these deaths in mind.

All are pulled from the WONDER database, none have Covid as an underlying cause of death:


A thread
🧵 Newborn affected by a maternal infection and parasitic disease. 10 deaths, all in newborns. Counted as Covid
Dec 15, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read

Haven't updated these in a while. These will be Cases/Hospitalizations/Deaths on a raw basis by age group, and then Cases/Hospitalizations/Deaths on a percent basis by age group

First up, raw 7d avg cases by age group. Cases driven by overtesting 30-49 and 0-17

/1 Second, raw 7d avg Hospitalizations by age group. No surprises here, still being driven by older age groups. At the same case rate during the 2020 Winter wave, hospitals were slightly lower in most age groups.

Dec 3, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
#MN #COVID19 So thanks to @EWoodhouse7, I went down the rabbit hole of looking through Minnesota data. They are one of the few states I've seen that tracks both breakthrough cases and refinfections. They also track it in a transparent way which makes it easy to follow

First up, reinfection. While I'd love to see more details on these (severity/age/etc), you can see that for the most part under 2% of the cases are reinfections. This is a 7day average to smooth the data. The bumps in Feb/Mar/June bumps are unexplained and interesting.

Nov 5, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
#COVID19 Here's one of my main issues with vaccination right now. This goes for all ages, but concentrating on just children right now:

- All of the Covid vaccine clinical trials removed anyone who had recovered from Covid. As a result, there's no data.

- Theres still not a single piece of data, or study that looks at a vaccination cohort who also has natural immunity. Why is this?

- Kids trials were so underpowered that any "rare" adverse event will likely to have been missed.

Oct 22, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
#US #COVID19 Poking around the FDA doc in preparation for the Oct 26 mtg for 5-11 EUA, Check out this slide. If 10 mil kids get the dose, we will have 6 mil kids with fatigue, 5 million kids with headaches, and up to a mil kids with a fever?

These are worse outcomes than CV19. Source: fda.gov/media/153409/d…
Aug 16, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
This guy is becoming the worst of the worst in NJ. rivaling Albright. Total muppet. Linking a chart that has raw numbers on the left *IN THE ENTIRE US*.

Hey Shereef, how many are RSV coinfections, DO YOU KNOW?

How many are just covid positive but in the hosp for something else? PS. guess what it did in the days AFTER this bullshit graph?

Aug 13, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Jul 30, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
#US #COVID19 So in all the helter skelter of the last few hours, I forgot to put this out there.

North Dakota reports hospitalizations "for" covid, and they also report total hospitalizations to HHS, so i was able to go back through their database to determine the % for.

Here's how it rolls up. Green is what they report to HHS as "Hospitalizations", while red are the ones that are actually in the hospital FOR covid. The delta between these two would be incidental covid (With), there for other things (pregnancy, surgery, broken bones, etc)

Jul 19, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read

Took me awhile to get the data together for this. So here it goes.

If you didnt realize it when you saw these bullshit numbers. They are all a guise to push vaccines. Thats it.

I'll try to walk through this in as few tweets as possible.

/1 First up, nowhere does it make any sense to push population level numbers. Reporting these as 'effective' is just a disgusting mis-appropriation of the math. Today, 324 people tested positive. That means 8,999,676 didnt, or 99.9964%. Idiotic to present it that way? Of course.

Jul 19, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
#NJ #COVID19 Hospital Admission data, updated today through late last week. This will be stratified by age. Note that all these graphs will be 7 day sums. Divide by 7 to get the daily average admissions.

First, the total

Averaging about 24 confirmed hospitalizations per day

/1 First, pediatric and 18-19 yr olds. There hasnt been an 18-19 yr old admitted with confirmed covid in quote some time, and none through our entire fall wave, yet we are mandating vaccines for college kids. Insane.
