Abdallah Alsalmi Profile picture
Policy Advisor @bbcworldservice #InternetGovernance, #InternetFreedom, #Circumvention and #FutureNetworks
Jan 13, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
Interesting articles about the conditions under which an Iranian air defence system may target an civilian airliner forbes.com/sites/jeremybo… #IranPlaneCrash #IranPlaneShootdown #Iran You should read it but in short, the Iranian defence unit that is said to have fired at #PS752 is a Russian system known as
9K330 Tor-M1 (Nato: SA-15 Gauntlet).
Nov 16, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Pictures are making the rounds on the internet, by a site called al-sura.com, purportedly showing #Khashoggi while being dismembered imgur.com/a/5S52HsO . They are fake. They are from a Canal+ police drama called Braquo - Season 4 Episode 5 "Virgule" The interesting bit is that in the TV drama, it is Turkish thugs who killed a Turkish diplomat with a chainsaw for messing up with their criminal activities #KhashoggiMurder