Alyssa Ahrabare Profile picture
Juriste libertés fondamentales. Consultante droits des femmes. Présidente du lobby européen des femmes France @CLEF 🇪🇺
Jun 21, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
[LIVE] @ClefFemmes @ENoMW @CATWIntl @osezlefeminisme are in @UNGeneva at the 56th session of the @UN_HRC in the historic occasion of the presentation of #UN Special Rapporteur on #VAWG report on #prostitution @UNSRVAW.This report is of vital importance for women & girls worldwide Image As highlighted by the report:

1- prostitution is a cause & consequence of #VAWG impacting the most vulnerable women & girls in the world, especially migrant and minority 🚺

#HRC56 @ENoMW @CAPintl @EuropeanWomen @equalitynow @nordicmodelnow Image
Dec 5, 2023 21 tweets 3 min read
Est-ce que l’UE a un impact positif sur les droits des femmes ?

En 1957, l’article 119 du traité de Rome sur l’égalité salariale est intégré… pas du tout pour des raisons féministes, mais pour éviter la concurrence déloyale dans le cadre du libre marché ! Alors que les ministres siégeant au Conseil ont limité l’article en retirant l’obligation de résultat pour les États membres, les féministes se sont saisies de l’article.

Elles sont à l’époque sceptiques face à une Europe jargonnante et centrée sur des enjeux économiques.
Sep 7, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
I was yesterday at the @Europarl_BE to represent @ENoMW in front of the group #LEFT and share our analysis of the directive proposal on violence against #women and girls by the @EuropeanCommiss There is currently no specific legal instrument that comprehensively addresses violence against women at #EU level. The most comprehensive international framework is the @coe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Girls (Istanbul Convention)
Feb 22, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
I represented @osezlefeminisme today in front of a group of UK parliamentarians working to end all forms of commercial sexual exploitation. Alongside me were @CATWIntl and @Ruchiragupta, Indian activist. We denounced the violent system that “pornography” is covering
Pornography is a billions dollar industry that serves as an alibi for Grave Human Rights Violations against women and girls & organized international crime. #G7 countries are consuming the most pornography worldwide. The UK was the third country for pornHub traffic in 2019.