Andreas Wallraff Profile picture
Research and education in #physics with a focus on #quantum #computing, #communication and #sensing with team @qudev @ETH_en. Director of the @ETHQuantumCntr.
Nov 21, 2022 8 tweets 7 min read
Hey #quantum crowd!
Are you still here on @Twitter or have you left already?
In any case, here is another very good #CryoFails story for the #cryogenics and #quantum crowd out here.
As you may know, our VeriCold dilution refrigerator here is one of the very first ones ...
1/n ... way before pulse tube cooler systems were available commercially from @OxInst or @BlueFors_Ltd @Bluefors_Inc or anyone else for that matter.
Nov 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Is it time for a #quantumquiz to see if you are an expert in experimental #quantum #computing (with superconducting circuits)?

Let’s give it a try!

Part 1:
What is this? And what is it a part of? Too easy? Too hard?

Here is another one!

#quantumquiz part 2:

What is this part of?
Nov 14, 2020 13 tweets 9 min read
This is a plot of the daily reported #COVID19 (c)ases (light blue), (h)ospitalizations (light orange), and (f)atalities (light red) in #Switzerland. In addition, I plotted the cumulative numbers added up over 14 days for (c) and (f) and over 22 days for (h), corresp. dark colors. What do we learn from the data? The second #COVID19 wave in #Switzerland has reached levels in all indicators (c,h,f) (somewhat) larger than the first wave. The peak daily reported (c)ases are a factor 8.5 times higher than in the first wave.