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Freelance Journalist covering NC politics. #AndersonAlerts creator, "Bills over Chiefs." Tips? Inquiries? Email:
Dec 10, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
JUST IN: There will NOT be a third recount (statewide hand recount) ordered for the NC Supreme Court race. The second recount (partial hand count) concluded earlier today and didn't change the results to merit a statewide recount. #ncpol #Election2024 Under NC law, for a full hand recount to be ordered, Griffin would have had to net at least 35 more votes than Riggs in partial hand count of the ballots in 3% of the Election Day precincts and early voting sites in each county. Riggs netted 14 votes, hence no 3rd recount. #ncpol
Sep 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Some major drama is shaking out in NC's gubernatorial race. Sources tell me a CNN story is forthcoming. Robinson's two campaign events today in Vance and Warren counties have been cancelled. Robinson's closest advisers & Robinson himself aren't taking my calls for comment. #ncpol I have a strong sense of what the news will be, but until sources speak on record and/or on background, I can't share what it is. Reminder: Ballots are set to begin going out to NC voters tomorrow, so the timing is important here for supporters and critics of Robinson. #ncpol
Dec 13, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1/4 A thread on the open seats for North Carolina General Assembly, Council of State and U.S. House. Here's who's leaving their seats due to retirement, term limits, or pursuit of a different office. #ncpol #ncga #ncleg… With 2.5 candidate filing days left, we're at 19 open legislative seats. #ncpol

Seeking higher office (9): Bradford, Elmore, Hardister, Harris, Hunt, Marcus, Mills, Moore, Rudow

Retiring (10): Autry, Alexander, K. Baker, Everitt, Faircloth, Gill, Krawiec, Lucas, Proctor, Sasser
May 17, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Crazy moment. Rep. Jeff McNeely takes aim at Rep. Abe Jones' Harvard background: "Would you have not been able to achieve these if you were not an athlete or a minority?" He's suspended from continuing to speak.

Jones: "I earned my place and I did well."
#ncpol Image VIDEO: Here’s the exchange between Republican Rep. Jeff McNeely and Democratic Rep. Abe Jones of Wake County during school choice bill debate —> #ncpol
May 15, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
JUST IN: Abortion bill veto override vote on #SB20 has been scheduled for Tuesday’s 4 pm voting session. Per chamber rules, Senate Rules Chair must inform Senate Democratic Leader Dan Blue at least 24 hours in advance of override vote. That has just happened. In budget presser, GOP Senate leader Phil Berger confirms timing. #ncpol #SB20
Apr 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
#BREAKING: It's not just Tricia Cotham, y'all. North Carolina state Rep. Cecil Brockman, a Guilford County Democrat, is considering leaving the Democratic Party. Story out now on my #AndersonAlerts Substack newsletter--> #ncpol

READ MORE -->… Image Several North Carolina Democrats who have sided with Republicans on key bills this session tell me they'll remain affiliated with the Democratic Party, including Reps. Abe Jones, Garland Pierce and Shelly Willingham. #ncpol Democratic Reps. Shelly Wil...
Apr 5, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
Incoming Thread: Here at NCGOP headquarters, where Rep. Tricia Cotham will announce she’s switching parties and will give GOP a supermajority. #ncpol Story from yesterday about her decision. Will have another story day after she explains her thought process. #ncpol…
Apr 4, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: Can confirm Rep. Tricia Cotham, a Mecklenburg County Democrat, will switch parties, giving Republicans a supermajority and dealing a major blow to Gov. Roy Cooper's veto power. Per source, Cotham expected to announce decision at Republican caucus this afternoon. #ncpol JUST IN --> More details on the context of the anticipated party switch, what it means for Democrats and the bills Cotham has already sided with Republicans on. Make sure to subscribe to the #AndersonAlerts newsletter for more. #ncpol…
Jan 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1/4 Not sure who this may help or bring comfort to, but I wanted to share this: In July 2018 outside a Sacramento, California, DMV office, I met Tyré Nichols. He had been waiting 6+ hours in miserable 98-degree heat... 2/ His story and those of others that day was the first of what would become 40ish articles from me holding the California DMV accountable for their actions. Nichols unknowingly contributed to setting in motion a series of stories that would better the lives of many Californians.
Nov 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
JUST IN: Columbus, Robeson and Wilson counties will begin reporting results at 8:30pm tonight. As of now, all other NC counties are set to begin reporting at 7:30pm. #ncpol #Election2022 @WRAL So what does this mean and why did this happen? There was either a technical or logistical issue at one precinct in each of these three counties that impacted voting access. As a result, state elections officials extended voting.