China Commission Profile picture
The Congressional-Executive Commission on China was created to monitor human rights & rule of law in China & submit an annual report to the President & Congress
Jul 1, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
#HongKong’s sweeping new Nat’l Security Law is an assault on HK’s democratic freedoms & rule of law. The Chairs stand with Hong Kongers & pledge to support legislative measures to protect them & condemn the #Chinese govt’s violation of its int’l obligations. (Thread) 1/11 This new law violates #HongKong’s Basic Law & the Joint Declaration. The NPC Standing Committee alone can interpret the law, which is inconsistent w/Articles 19 & 158 of the Basic Law which gives #HK courts the authority to interpret HK law when adjudicating cases. 2/11
Nov 13, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
The escalating violence in #HongKong is extremely concerning and the premeditated attack on university campuses, where over 1k rounds of teargas were used, raises disturbing questions as to whether the #Chinese govt’s strategy is to create more chaos & new protests. 1/5 Equally concerning is #Beijing’s announced plans to exercise more control over #HongKong politics, judiciary & educational system & to accelerate efforts to pass national security legislation that would further curtail free speech and civil liberties. 2/5