George Chahal Profile picture
Member of Parliament for Calgary Skyview | Chair of the Natural Resources Committee | @liberal_party | Personal account
Sep 16, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
This Monday, Albertans will decide who to vote for in the federal election.

After living through two years of Kenney's disastrous conservative government, the choice should be easy.

That's because Jason Kenney and Erin O'Toole are cut from the same cloth.

Four days ago, @erinotoole praised @jkenney, saying “We need to learn the lessons of each wave of the pandemic, and the best contact tracing efforts in the country were in Alberta.”

Aug 25, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read

In early July, I voted to maintain Calgary's indoor mask bylaw for a few more weeks out of an abundance of caution, especially considering the upcoming Calgary Stampede.

Premier @jkenney ridiculed Calgary City Council for even considering this measure. It's now August 25.

Hospitalizations are up. ICU beds are filling. Nurses and doctors are facing a capacity crisis. Parents are worried about their unvaccinated children.

And 1,076 new COVID cases. Today.
Nov 5, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I was recently appointed to the Calgary Police Commission. As a lifelong Calgarian, and a representative of Calgary's most diverse ward, I have a responsibility to share the perspectives of communities that have so often been neglected.


1/5 After holding dozens of townhalls, knocking on thousands of doors, and bringing the Public Safety Task Force forward, I’ve heard far too many heartbreaking stories of families devastated by violence.

Nov 4, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
It's been almost five months for those in NE #yyc impacted by the June hailstorm.

Can you imagine experiencing a cold Calgary winter with broken windows? Watching your damaged siding deteriorate further?

For those in #Ward5 waiting on repairs, this is reality.

1/4 I brought forward a second motion to Council to provide additional relief to Northeast residents who are struggling, through no fault of their own, to repair and replace their damaged property.

#yyccc #StrongerTogether
