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Cynthia White, PhD. Disabled. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Leftist Democrat.(She/her cis hetero). #bloggesstweeps. Instagram: lattesdotter11
Jun 26, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
.@Walgreens I was angry with a few months ago for having very high prices on a medication that is I need in order to be awake and think clearly. I apologize for my anger about that. I believe we were both being manipulated by computer hackers. 1/ .@Walgreens However, you and other pharmacies do charge too much for many prescriptions and then those costs are paid by both private health insurance companies and the federal government healthcare programs Medicaid and Medicare. 2/
May 1, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
In thinking about Israel and the Arab States that surround Israel, I think about the 8th chapter of Robert Keohane's book "After Hegemony". In that chapter, he describes the many ways that the UK and the US oil companies intervened in the politics of Arab countries since WWII. /1 We do give a great deal of funding to Israel, funding that includes billions of dollars that support weapons manufacturers in the United States to give weapons to Israel. But we also give billions of dollars in military assistance to Arab countries. 2/
Feb 27, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
.@walgreens .@ewarren .@joshkaul .@keithellison In the early 2010s, the Supreme Court ruled against Cephalon, the manufacturer of Provigil, in a famous pay for delay ruling. Since then the price of Provigil has dropped. Except at Walgreens. Why is Walgreens charging so much? @walgreens @joshkaul @keithellison @elizabethwarren Walgreens in Wisconsin is charging far too much for modafinil - after the Supreme Court ruling, prices dropped dramatically.I have paid thousands and thousands for Provigil, Nuvigil, and modafinil over a ten year period. Enough.
Jan 8, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
If you are thinking of what safety equipment to keep in your car, be sure to include several small foldable safety signs with reflectors that you can put behind the car, so other cars don't crash into you if you have to pull over. Other "safety" equipment would be a flashlight with a brighter light than your cell phone, a blanket to keep you warm, and to make into a small curtain across the door if you desperately need to pee. (Men, whatever). Also, stock trail mix, chocolate, extra energy drinks, water.
Apr 1, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
When I walk into a medical office with a severe illness, and you don't listen to me, stereotype me because of my weight, belittle me for being middle aged, and give me stupid and crriminal advice, you deny the work women have been doing for thousands of years. 1/n. #feminism When you don't listen to a human being who has a master's degree in statistics,a master's degree in demography, and who has an excel spreadsheet of her cholesterol since age 35, you are discriminating against that person. As a woman, I prefer to live in the 21st century. 2/n
Mar 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
@SenWarren I am concerned about potential problems from the interoperability issues of Epic Health Systems. It is not unreasonable to ask Epic Health Systems to "translate" their code to other Health records databases. But any such "connection/translation" raises security risks. How safe are our medical records? Epic Health Systems has built in-house computer programs for many health care companies and hospitals. I hope that the expensive in-house medical records are secure. How secure will they be at the point of connection with other programs. 2/
Jan 7, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
Thread: Be careful. 🧵
Many people are now aware of the billions of dollars that fossil fuel companies (the big oil companies) have spent over the last fifty years to create doubt about climate change. That had billions of dollars to use for various types of disinformation. 1/ Thread 2/ The big oil companies in the US, England, and Europe were able to set up "think tank" and "institutes", hire "ghost" writers with suitably impressive credentials who wrote articles to confuse people about climate change. They funded "research" at these "insitutes".
Jan 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The price of a cholera vaccination should be less than the cost of school supplies and private school tuition. Cholera vaccines have been available for decades.

Private schools tell govt to reconsider decision on LL, BT schools… via @Malawi24 I apologize if I have been impolite, but cholera is a bacterial disease and cholera vaccines have been available for decades. I have been vaccinated against cholera several times - as a child and in my 20s. 2/
Sep 1, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
When I began my degree in sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I had meant to do a PhD focusing in the area of demography. I did a master's degree in demography, and then ended up switching over to the subject area known as Globalization (Intl Political Economy). When I was doing my master's degree in demography, more that 30 years ago, the NIH and other federal health agencies were funding fellowships for students to study aging and costs associated with aging. Thirty years ago. Because demographers can estimate when people will retire.
Jan 14, 2022 33 tweets 5 min read
1/? As I am beginning to pack my motel room to move to Madison, the grief and struggle of the last 8 yrs overwhelms me. 2/? I think about the doctor that I trusted who precscibed Ability, the worst possible drug given what I had told him about my concerns about Fatigue and the price of Provigil.
Aug 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
In September of 2001, I was 38 and fortunate enough to be living in Madison, WI. I am not an expert, and certainly know less than those who actually fought in Afganistán and Iraq. But there were those of us who protested both wars from the beginning. In late September I was in Washington, DC for a meeting about global debt relief, and some people there were from New York. They were visibly shaken and had lost family members. When I protested the war in Afghanistan, I did so knowing that the attack on 9/11 was horrific.
Aug 16, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I remember the flight from Kampala, Uganda to JFK in New York City in August of 1969. My father wasn't on the flight with us because he had already gone back to the U.S., but my sister couldn't travel yet because she was a baby. It was fairly uneventful - I still remember that I left some coloring pens on the plane. My father and uncle met us st the airport and as they tell it, there was no traffic at all in New York City at 3:00 a.m. 2/
Aug 15, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
As the U.S evacuate its staff from Afghanistan, and as the usual gibberish is being spewed by Faux News and it's warmonger allies, let's remember that it was the Cheney-Bush administration that invaded Afghanistan. #Afghanistan #BushCheney #bushgang Let's also remember that it was Cheney-Bush and their administration that made up the claim of weapons of mass destruction so that they could invade Iraq. If there were any really dangerous weapons in Iraq, they would have been weapons the U.S sold Iraq to fight Iran. #bush #oil
Aug 4, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Some of you may have access to my notes on the Farm Bill which I created for my upper division class on Farming and Agriculture. I have them backed up on flash drives in my apartment, on my old laptop (really old, needs to be recycled), and my newish laptop (bought 2014). I might have uploaded the Farm Bill notes to a course website, and by then, Google was backing up all our computer interactions.
Aug 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Finally, and I am going to say this as tactfully as possible, I get tired of urban people moving farmers and rural life. I did not grow up on a farm, but I studied agricultural trade for my dissertation. Farming is difficult, uncertain work. But farmers provide our food. The last film I saw in a movie theater was Interstellar. I had a really hard time with the movie, because crop failure is *not* inevitable. But it is really depressing that we can send people to the moon and maybe Mars, but we can't organize against Monsanto.
Jul 16, 2021 16 tweets 13 min read
@unicorn_uterus I didn't know of the people at the 2017 city caucuses in my ward. I had never seen them at events organized by my neighborhood organization, and I had been attending my neighborhood organization meetings since Jan of 2014. They were really young and white. @unicorn_uterus I might go to Loring Park Pride Event. That has been around for over 40 years, and a former mayor, Mayor Rybek, is gay and did a lot for gay rights in the city. I want to get the opinions of people who have been here for ten years or more.
Jul 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
There is also a stone cold truth that Minneapolis and Minnesota are sexist and misogynistic. Four years ago, this city could have voted for Betsey Hodges (married to an African American man) or Nekima Levy-Pounds (African-American lawyer). 1/ But somebody or some group organized an anybody but Betsey campaign, and another group launched a serious campaign for a man who had been convicted of child abuse within the theater world. Minneapolis chose Jacob Frey, who actually could have been a lot worse. 2/
May 10, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
#1) As I talk about the need for creative solutions to parking for multiplexes, I feel that I must give my green, environmentally friendly background (in the same way that I have had to outline my progressive leftist credentials. Sigh.) #2) My father is pretty much fanatical about public transportation and biking to work. When we lived in Columbia, MD, he would bicycle to park and ride to take the commuter bus to Washington, DC. He owned a very small fuel efficient car.
May 10, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
I have commented on this issue at the Lyndale Neighborhood Community Meetings. In principle, this seems good. In practice, you get too many cars parked on the neighboring residential streets. One possibility is having a parking garage nearby for residents of several complexes. I lived in Portland, Oregon for a year, and while I admired Portland's commitment to public transit and being biker friendly, the reality was that certain neighborhoods would experience extreme over parking.
May 8, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I am *not* against new construction or increasing housing density. But new buildings should be well though out, and fit within the character of the neighborhood. We should also be careful about reducing existing green spaces and garden plots to build high end luxury apartments. There are many creative ways to provide for affordable rental properties and to increase ownership of housing. Housing trusts, condominiums, and co-housing are all options that provide affordable ownership of smaller housing units.
May 8, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
We would be a better country if a large majority of the citizens of the United States knew about and understood the Geneva Convention. We helped write some of the language after World War II. We should have followed the protocols we helped write. Once members of our government and our military decided that torture of Prisoners of War at Guantanamo Bay was acceptable, we were diminished in the world.