David Jamieson Profile picture
Editor @ConterScot. ConterCast: https://t.co/WT5mo8p9TQ Bylines @SourceScot, @jacobin, @rosaluxstiftung, @tribunemagazine @bellacaledonia.
Oct 3, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Never seen a collapse of western ideological hegemony like this: the middle east is eviscerated by an ally protected in spite of the worst crimes.

This ally is set-up by the west as an image-bearer for the entire 'civilisation'. A total loss of pretense to morality or justice 1/ As Israel descends levels of the basement in terms of moral credibility, the conflict the west tried to use for rehabilitation - Ukraine - goes in to meltdown. Ukraine and Nato are now losing the war, for the whole world to see.

It can boast neither justice nor efficacy 2/
Jul 5, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I'm happy some people were able to punish the Tories and Labour alike by voting for the Greens.

But they are not an unknown quality. They've been in government across Europe, in Britain, and at local authority level and their record is known by anyone who can use Wikipedia. 1/ I think it's quite likely that many on the left will simply park the electoral question with the Greens.

The reason? Convenience. The machine, name recognition, seats and a voting base are all there. But the politics simply are not. 2/
Aug 3, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
David's meeting with with Integrity Initiative - a smear and disinformation outfit funded by the British Army, Ministry of Defence, Foreign Office, Nato, US State Department, Facebook and more, is one of the worst scandals in Scottish media...well, ever. 1/ II's activities in Scotland were not revealed by 'Kremlin media' unless that designation includes the Sunday Mail, which broke the story that the outfit was registered at an abandoned mill in Fife (nothing spooky there eh?) 2/
Feb 8, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
I spoke to former UK minister, and political activist since the 60s, Lelslie Huckfield about the increasingly dysfunctional Holyrood inquiry and what it tells us about the failures of the devolution era. It's bigger than Salmond vs Sturgeon 1/
The inquiry itself is bad enough. It's completely apparent that the Scottish Government is dragging out proceedings as long as it can, presumably with the hope that it will be cut-off by the May elections... 2/
Mar 11, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
There's now going to be a tremendous pressure on #Bernie supporters to back Biden. I don't tell people how to vote. But if it were me I'd flatly refuse to swing in behind. Centrist, corporate liberalism is not the right wing of a movement that socialism is the left wing of 1/ They are dramatically opposed world views. Rather, Biden is a wing of the same establishment as Trump. Their policies are largely the same, and the intended consequences of their policies are the same 2/
Jan 20, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I reckon a subculture/subspecies of ostensibly centre-left/liberal but essentially amorphous politics has indeed developed in recent years - sometimes referred to as 'woke' or 'idpol', detached from the traditional preoccupations and philosophies of socialist/left thought 1/ Like all ideologies it has a real material basis and history. In this case, in the decline of organised labour, the ideological fragmentation which has accompanied economic liberalisation and a (sometimes overstated) decline in community/filial etc affiliation 2/
Mar 15, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
Myself and @Jonathon_Shafi discussing the attacks on Mosques in #NewZealand today, and on why the Prime Minister and the right internationally are refusing to admit the Islamophobic nature of the attacks. Thread:
soundcloud.com/commonspace/be… May's statement doesn't mention the target of the attacks (Muslims) where they were attacked (Mosques) or the reason (#Islamophobia). Why? Simply because, as we know from Hope Not Hate's research, two thirds of Tory voters are Islamophobic 2/