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May 21st 2023
Good morning, #Geneva!

We are LIVE from Place the Nations for Walk the Talk for #HealthForAll this morning.

JOIN US for a fun run, walk, on your wheelchairs - with friends, family, pets!
Grab your FREE Walk the Talk for #HealthForAll t-shirt from the counter!
Available in different colors.

[… and yes, your pet can have one too! 😊]… Image
Warming up!

LIVE from Walk the Talk for #HealthForAll, Place des Nations, #Geneva ImageImageImage
Read 15 tweets
May 9th 2023
ICYMI: US busts open #Russia|n malware used to help #Moscow spy in + 50 countries

@NSAGov @FBI @CISA w/#Britain #Australia #Canada #NewZealand announced Thursday they ID's the code behind the #FSB's #Snake Malware…
.@NSAGov describes the #Snake malware as "a sophisticated #Russia|n cyberespionage tool"

"The FSB has victimized industries including education institutions, small businesses, & media organizations" per @NSAGov statement
"Critical infrastructure sectors, such as local government, finance, manufacturing, and telecommunications, have also been impacted" by #Russia's FSB's #Snake malware, per @NSAGov
Read 5 tweets
Apr 8th 2023
A mega #Thread compiling some lesser known facts that will make us rethink the #HumanCivilization & the extent of #Bharat
Plz read & share 🙏

1/12 let's start with #Ramayan!
In Rishi #Valmiki narrates the description of #Lanka given by Shri #Hanuman as a beautiful country with ImageImage
chariots & vimanas. He also describes #FourTuskedElephant guarding #Ravan 's gates.
Now known as #Gomphothere , that roamed #Earth 19 million yrs ago! 🤯🚩

NO OTHER text in the world describes it!

In #Ramayan , #Sugriva sends #Vanar in 4 directions to look for Maa #Sita ImageImage
While sending, he describes #Geography as follows
World #Geography >170,000 years was different than present
many parts of Himalaya & big mountain in Kentucky ,USA were submerged in water

So here is the story in more scientific way 💁‍♀️

Team travelling to #east, will have to Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
NEW: 11 countries ink joint statement on countering commercial #spyware proliferation & abuse.

Cite "fundamental" national security & foreign policy interest 1/

🇦🇺#Australia 🇨🇦#Canada 🇨🇷#CostaRica 🇩🇰#Denmark 🇫🇷#France 🇳🇿#NewZealand 🇳🇴#Norway 🇸🇪#Sweden 🇨🇭#Switzerland 🇬🇧#UK 🇺🇸#US We, the governments of Aust...The misuse of these tools p...To advance these interests,...engaging additional partner...
2/ I'd say the joint statement on commercial #spyware is unprecedented.

A few years ago spyware like #Pegasus was was treated as a human rights issue.

But the dizzying speed of proliferation made big problems for governments, forcing them to prepare positions & action.
3/ The statement's commitment guardrails for accountable domestic #spyware use is important.

But devil will be in the implementations. Civil society will be watching.

(Note: issue wasn't covered in White House Spyware Executive Order on Monday, so nice to see USA commit here) Image
Read 9 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
A chance this could be #1970s but more likely #1980s as shoulder pads very exaggerated. Has such disco diva vamp glamour. So I mixed a bit of vampire and disco as inspiration with a contemporary character! It's in pure silk and by CACHÉ another fab American label #vintagefashion
Another piece very 'vamp' glamour. Have a few drop dead gorgeous #goth dresses by Sarah Whitworth whose label Deadlier than the Male based Hyper Hyper Kensington High St. Ghost, Pam Hogg also there
Ah #1980s..such we danced like creatures of the night to Bauhaus
Read 29 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
If anyone claims the Trans Right's (#TRAs) movement is about 'love & acceptance' just show them this thread. It is anything but - it is violent, misogynistic, homophobic, and driven by pure Narcissism. Even most Far-Right groups do not behave like this. #LetWomenSpeakNZ (1/10)
Here's some video footage showing barriers being kicked down (The boundaries of others tends to be an issue for #TRAs and the TQ+ movement).
#LetWomenSpeakNZ #LetWomenSpeakAuckland (2/10)
Here's video footage of an elderly woman being savagely beaten up. Which is par for the course, considering the violent rhetoric of 'Trans rights' activists (pictured). #TRAs #LetWomenSpeakNZ #LetWomenSpeakAuckland (3/10)
Read 10 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
🧵So listen up #NewZealand - especially all of those who stood up for #TransRights yesterday. I need to tell you about a man named Sanjana Hattotuwa and some advice he had for the recent teaching union conference, where he was a Keynote Speaker /1
This man is an expert on Social Media, he spends hours every day researching and delving into the worst of the filth and abuse and horror online, and believe me, it's worse than any of us could ever know. Not all heroes wear capes. One of them works for Otago University. /2
At the conference, during the Q&A someone asked what country we could look to as an example of how to push back against this radicalisation and programming of hatred, fear and violence which is welling up online.

He looked at us and said 'You're living in it.' /3
Read 14 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
Nova Scotia College of Nurses is the regulator for #Nursing profession in the Province of Nova Scotia, #Canada and in coming weeks will be rolling out another 'first-in-Canada' Nursing Registration and Licensure Process - #CanadaNurses
It is in public knowledge that registration and licensure for Internationally Educated Nurses IENs in Canada is a tedious and difficult process with several bottlenecks.
This has led some provinces to start rethinking the process and find a way to streamline it so that it becomes seamless for applicants. Also, to ensure that IENs in Canada can function to the full extent of their education and competencies.
Read 21 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
Thread: Who was Sidhu Moosewala

Today marks the First Death Anniversary of Singer Sidhu Moosewala.

Subhodeep Singh Sidhu known professionally as #SidhuMooseWala was an Indian rapper, singer and songwriter. He worked predominantly in Punjabi Music and cinema.
His some of songs have top charted on some International Billboards like the Canadian Albums chart, UK Singles Chart, UK Asian chart, Global YouTube music chart, #canadian Hot 100, and #NewZealand Hot charts.
In Dec 2020, Moose Wala released "Panjab: My Motherland" in support of the #Indianfarmers protest against the 2020 Indian agriculture acts, which featured clips of @khalistanforc and speeches made by a supporter of #Khalistan , Bharpur Singh Balbir, in late 1980s.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
On #StPatricksDay2023 I want to shout out to my compatriots from #Ireland producing some of the most incisive, compelling, and agenda-setting scholarship in global constitutional law today. Read them, follow them, connect with them.

A loooong (but very incomplete) thread 🧵
A few quick starting notes for a global audience.
I often think constitutional law research by Irish scholars is so rich because of our unique context, in a constitutional system that has one foot in colonialism and conflict, and one (today) in the rich Global North.
#Ireland's war of independence, civil war, 1922 Constitution, partition, and 1937 Constitution (still in force) sets our experience apart from the gradualist constitutional development of e.g. #Canada, #Australia, #NewZealand, but has commonalities with other states (e.g. India).
Read 30 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
@POTUS #Democracy? #NSDC bans eleven pro-Russian #parties in #Ukraine | 20.03.2022
- #Zelensky spoke about this in a video address overnight Sunday, #Ukrinform reports.…
@POTUS Why the #UkraineWar Spells #Doom For #US Hegemony and the #NATO Alliance | Feb 25
- Street protests across Europe are growing against NATO and governing #elites seen to be servile to American policy. The whole Western capitalist order is shaking…
@POTUS #Hitler was financed by the @bankofengland and the
- 4th: from 1933 to 1939 — financial cooperation with the #Nazi government and support for its expansionist foreign policy, aimed at preparing and unleashing a new #WorldWar.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
Hello and welcome to another thread on the illegal war being waged on #Ukraine.

We made it! Ukrainians made it!
The bombs started falling one year ago today, but almost the whole world has united to defend the country against the tyranny from #Russia.

Day 366 of the war
Loads of cities and famous places "lit-up" in support of #Ukraine last night, one year on from the first troops, tanks, planes and bombs from #Russia hitting the country.

I can only attach 4 pics, so here are Brussels, New York, Paris and Berlin.
#StandWithUkraine ImageImageImageImage
At an event in #London, the remarkable Dame Helen Mirren was close to tears as she recited a poem and gave her support for #Ukraine.

Read 29 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
⭐️New Zealand has been rocked by a 'massive' 6.3 magnitude earthquake that was felt by 70,000 Kiwis across both north and south islands.
#NewZealand #earthquake
The 'scary' tremor was centered around its capital Wellington on the north island on Wednesday at 7.38pm NZDT (local time 5:38 AEDT) around 50km northwest of Paraparaumu at a depth of 48km.
#NewZealand #earthquake
New Zealand's National Emergency Management Agency said there is no tsunami threat and no significant damage reported.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Copyright won't solve creators' Generative AI problem; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A poster for the 1933 movie 'The Monkey's Paw.' The fainting
I'm in #Australia, touring my book #ChokepointCapitalism* with my co-author, @rgibli. We're doing a remote event for #NZ on Feb 13. Next are #Melbourne (Feb 14), #Sydney (Feb 15) and #Canberra (Feb 16/17). More tickets just released for Sydney! 2/
Copyright won't solve creators' Generative AI problem: The machine-learning monkey's paw.

3/  Image: Cryteria (modified)
Read 26 tweets
Jan 31st 2023

Topic 1: norms, rules, and principles derived from existing legal and normative frameworks

#Mexico emphasizes principles in Article 1 of the #OST.

#PAROS and primacy of peaceful use are key. Rejects placement of weapons in outer space and celestial bodies. esp. those with indiscriminate effects.
#Mexico supports giving legal principles greater precision, and the adoption of norms as interim step to legal instrument to ban weapons in space and use of force and prohibit war

#IHL. Public exchange of info. Supports DA ASAT test moratorium as interim step to legal agreement.
Read 66 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
#QRcode #DigitalID #SocialCredit
Prime Minister #Marin to visit #NewZealand and #Australia | 23.11.2022
- The delegation will have representatives from #CSC-IT Center for Science, #Kone, #Neste, #Nokia and #WithSecure (ex. #FSecure).…
- #AUSTRALIA intro⬇️
cc: @ UltraDane
#AUSTRALIA - #SocialCredit introduced to access the #internet, via your #digitalID.
Citizens need 100 points of #identification to use #socialmedia & the #police will have access to your #accounts including private #messaging.
'#Charagma - Digital Personal ID - IT'S COMING!
- Everyone certainly remembers the #CoronaPassport
- Politicians and the media used it to "force" especially young #mRNA to take the injections.'… credit: InjektioPiikki @IPiikki
Read 4 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
1. #China has been involved in illegal fishing in #EEZ of over 80 countries with over 10 million hrs of fishing.

This is a mega report and tweet thread on #Chinese illegal fishing in world's oceans and its impacts.

Read/download the complete report:…
2. The #Chinese fleet is often found guilty of #overfishing,
killing protected species,
falsifying licenses and docs,
seizing territories &
producing tons of sea #waste.

Read/download the complete report:…

3. IUU: #China has been consistently ranked num. 1 on various parameters of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUU) rankings.

According to the IUU rankings report 2021, over 60% of its vessels are involved in IUU fishing worldwide.

Read 24 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
40 years ago, giant entertainment companies embarked on a slow-moving act of arson. The fuel for this arson was #copyright #TermExtension (making copyrights last longer), including *retrospective* copyright term extensions that took works out of the #PublicDomain. 1/ A montage of works that enter the public domain on Jan 1, 20
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Term extension put public domain works back into copyright for decades. Vast swathes of culture became off-limits, pseudo-property with absentee landlords, with much of it crumbling into dust. 3/
Read 50 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
@JukkaDavidsson #Ohisalo myös.
- #Sisäministeri'stä tyynylomalle. Junaili #Torssonen syylliseksi #Auvila'n hylsy-VOK 'vasara-arapien' hyökkäykseen.
Torssosen #KRP sormenjäljet siirrettiin postipaketin teippiin.
- Torssonen vapaa, arapit himassa.
Read 23 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
My pandemic excess mortality estimate update, age standardised using 5, 7 and 8 year linear trend baselines.

#NewZealand and #Denmark the clear winners so far. #Sweden clearly establishing as next least in Europe anyway.


Data from @HMDatabase and @EU_Eurostat. ImageImageImage
#Sweden's infamous ~3% of deaths with unknown date sourced from @EU_Eurostat for all charts.

Adding those in more detail than before has the slightly paradoxical effect of reducing their excess by 20-25% as it makes their downward trend less steep.

Results per 100k:

3/ ImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
1/18.📜NEW BLOG: We have seen quite a few pledges that have been framed as “finance for #LossAndDamage”. But are they really? This blog provides an overview of all the pledges thus far at #COP27 in chronological order.

🔗Read it here:… Image
2/18. On the 20th of September, #Denmark🇩🇰 pledged €13m for #LossAndDamage, a package which includes finance for the #GlobalShield Against Climate Risk, support for CSOs to do projects on the ground, and some other money that is yet to be allocated for a specific use.
3/18. Crucially, all of this money is new and on top of #Denmark’s 🇩🇰 0.7% commitment to ODA, therefore not a diversion of cash from other vital #ClimateFinance projects.
Read 18 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
1/16. Its day three at #COP27 and here is your #LossAndDamage focused daily thread. Today we saw several pledges of funding to address #LossAndDamage from developed countries and the start of negotiations on #LossAndDamage finance.
2/16. Before negotiations kicked off this morning @LicypriyaK made a powerful intervention at the @ResilienceFron1 pavilion in which she urged leaders to “give #ClimateFinance to the vulnerable countries who are affected by #ClimateChange to pay for #LossAndDmage”.
3/16. First up was continued negotiations on the operationalisation of the #SantiagoNetwork for #LossAndDamage during which parties continued to discuss the structure of #SantiagoNetwork including the potential for an advisory board, secretariat, focal points and network members.
Read 16 tweets

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