Dickie Armour Profile picture
😃 I love life 🌎 #crypto 🌿 #RenewableEnergy 💸 Investment Finance 💰Investor ✍️ Author 🎾 #Padel ☕️ Coffee 🏁 F1 Fan 🇬🇧 British 🇦🇪 #Dubai #UAE #ENFP
Aug 24, 2019 8 tweets 1 min read
Dr. David Harold Fink- 6 Steps To Realize Success 1. Set yourself a definite goal.
Jul 31, 2019 17 tweets 9 min read
The Habit
By @DickieArmour
A crime thriller


It was a clichéd habit.

He liked drugs & girls.

He was a monster too.

#CrimeFiction #fiction #crimethriller #thriller #mystery #writing #TheHabit

amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009HC… 2.

A broker in The City.

Son of a famous F1 driver.

Best mates with a senior policeman.
Jul 29, 2019 15 tweets 7 min read
“It’s About Time!”
by @DickieArmour

You have 24 hours a day.

But how do you spend your time?

This #tweetstorm is a wake up call.

It’s about time, and how you spend it.

#Time #TimeManagement #24Hours #itsabouttime 2.
Let’s assume each day begins and ends at midnight.

Let’s assume we work for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week.

That leaves 14 hours.

We sleep for 8 hours a night.