Edward Profile picture
Military Service Provider(Humint), Naval Intelligence, Counter Terrorism/Insurgency, Geo-Spatial Intel. #Military {N.B} Retweets, #Tags e.t.c not endorsements.
Emeka N Profile picture SERVANT of D' MOST HIGH♟️ Profile picture 2 subscribed
Apr 1 6 tweets 3 min read
URGENT:- Senior Iranian IRGC commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi was killed in a rare afternoon Israeli airstrike on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, Syria.

His deputy is also confirmed killed. General Haji Rahimi who was the deputy to IRGC-Quds Force senior commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi was also killed in the Israeli airstrike on the consulate section of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, Syria
Feb 24, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Detailed situation reports:
Day 1 Russian offensive;-

The Russian offensive began with artillery missile strikes which established immediate Russian air and naval dominance.

The Russian offensive into Ukraine is majorly of four main theaters of ground Ops. /1 1) Kiev theater: Russian Helic airborne units captured the Gostomel airbase just 20miles to the capital Kiev forming a bridgehead. These units are expected to link up with those crossing at Chernobyl, in order to prevent Ukrainian counterattacks.
Kiev might fall in 85hours /2
Oct 27, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
An American missionary kidnapped in Niger Republique. The Missionary was kidnapped last night from the village of Massalata in Konni region south of Tahoua, very close to the Nigerian border.
No confirmation yet of the group responsible. Image
Sep 27, 2020 20 tweets 7 min read
We are set to see another Christian nation vs Islamic nation inside #Europe, as
Heavy fighting involving Tanks, UAVs, Air and Artillery ongoing between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Turkey has already pledged support for Azerbaijan.
An Azerbaijan up-armoured Technical taken out 👇 Azerbaijan Artillery shelling Armenian #Military position near an Armenian town at the Nargony Karabakh frontline.
Sep 21, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
An exception frontline officer of the Nigerian Army, Colonel Dahiru Bako died Monday morning in a Jihadi group ambush in NE Nigeria.
The former CO of 233 Battalion and 2ic of Sector 2 OPLD Damaturu is survived by wife Khadija & children.
His promotion was at hand. ImageImage Colonel Bako was killed during firefight with #ISWAP Jihadi fighters in Damask and Karelto earlier today.

Col. Bako, personally led a flanking section/Squad during the fighting.
Aug 18, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Mali President and Prime minister now in custody of the Coup plotters. Mali President now being taken to Kati Soundjata #military camp by the Mutineers.
Apr 18, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Over 60 Jihadists killed after violent clashes broke out between fighters of #ISIS (#ISGS) in the Sahara & fighters of Jamāʿat nuṣrat al-islām wal-muslimīn (JNIM) on Thursday in the county of Arbinda and Nassoumbou in the province of Soum Burkina-faso. It all started in the forest of Gahika-ngota, about thirty kilometers northeast of the city of Arbinda when the fighters of #ISGS led by the Sahrawi jihadist leader, Abdoul Hakoum attacked a unit of the branch of #JNIM linked to al-Qaida.
Mar 30, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Jihadists in West Africa and the Sahel are increasingly wielding sophisticated tactics in recent months as they have been emboldened in Mali, Niger and Nigeria & Burkina-faso, attacking army bases, ambushing convoys and dominating villages with surprising force. Al-Qaeda & Islamic State #ISIS affiliates are seemingly launching coordinated campaign to isolate Maiduguri, Damaturu, Ouagadougou by periodically seizing control of highways into these cities.
Ansaru had been on kidnapping spree in NW/NC Nigeria highways & villages to raise fund
Mar 24, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Iran al-Quds Force Activities In Turkey:

Hassan Shaabani Galvani, an Iranian cleric born in April 1977, used to be the cultural attaché at Iranian Embassy in Turkey. Over the past few yrs he has been a major recruiter & Spy of al-Quds Force. (Secretly meeting his asset) Pic Image His activities include locating & recruiting Turkish civilians, training them & using em as intelligence assets.
In addition to its official religious & educ activities at an institution in the city of Tabriz called the Cultural Front of the Islamic Revolution of East Azerbaijan
Jan 8, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Our submission on the Iranian missile attack on US/Coalition servicemen: We believe the attack appears to hav been largely symbolic, a somewhat rushed attempt to restore some of Iran’s wounded prestige following the assassination of its #military commander, Qasem Suleiman, by US. However, it is also the prelude to a broader regional conflict that appears increasingly unavoidable.
Iran has the highest number of ballistic missiles in the middle East (excluding Israel which keeps hers secret).
They only fired 15-20 missiles though it failed to inflict
Jan 8, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
The Ukraine International Airline UIA with flight number PS752 B737 that went down in Tehran Iran may have been accidentally shot down by Anti-Aircraft units in the city. Image Or technical glitch.
Jan 7, 2020 18 tweets 3 min read
NOW: Iranian IRGC launching a sustained unguided short range missile attack on US held Al-Assad Airbase in Iraq. Iranian press reporting "The revenge has began"
Jan 5, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Kenyan Defence Force KDF statement on today's early morning al-Shabaab attack on joint Kenya/US base Camp Simba, Manda Bay, Lamu Kenya. Image Somalia based terror group claims the dawn attack on joint Kenya/US Camp Simba in Lamu Kenya in a public statement it released. Image
Jan 3, 2020 24 tweets 6 min read
Iranian commander of IRGC Qassim Solimani & Iraqi Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis leader of PMU Shiite militia both killed (Target Killing) by a guided missile fire after it struck a three vehicle convoy of theirs in Baghdad Iraq. NOW: US Marines in choppers raid houses of Quds forces & Iraq Shiite militia leaders Qais Khazali of Iraqi Hezbollah and Hadi Al Ameri in Jadriah district of Baghdad arresting some others also.

These groups participated in the US embassy siege and rocket attacks on green zone
Dec 31, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
US #Military Apache Helicopters patrol over the green zone and the US embassy compound in Baghdad.

About a hundred U.S. Marines are being sent to U.S. Embassy in Baghdad Iraq to bolster security.

No plans to evacuate embassy personnel says US Defense official. The Shiite militia members still can't access the inner fence of the embassy.

The group are gradually dispersing to go bury their dead members.
Dec 30, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
The floor plans of the HQ of MI6, Britain’s foreign-intelligence agency, were temporarily lost by a contractor, an incident that led to a temporary lockdown of the building which is the HQ of MI6 known officially as the Secret Intelligence Service, or SIS /1. and termination of the refurbishment contract given to Balfour Beatty Construction Coy.

The plan contain sensitive information about the layout of the MI6 headquarters, including information about entry and exit points, security features, and other potentially sensitive details
Dec 29, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Weapon storage facilities and command & control locations that [Shiite militia Kata’ib Hezbollah] PMU uses to plan and execute attacks on coalition forces in Iraq was today struck by US Drone strikes. Casualties in the drones strike is rising.
Popular commander Abu Ali was also killed in the strike on the PMU bases.
PMU has a strong linkage with Iran’s Quds Force and has repeatedly received lethal aid and other support from Iran that it has used to attack coalition forces Image
Oct 27, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
Confirmed: US Delta Force Spec. Ops. forces raided Barisha village in N. Idlib Syria, just by the border with Turkey in a kill or capture raid targeting #ISIS Caliph.
#ISIS leader Al Baghdadi detonated an explosive belt he had on him and killed in the blast two of his wives. U.S JSOC sources confirms Al-Baghdadi convoy was chased by 8 modified Blackhawk Choppers. Vehicles in the convoy were immobilized & Delta teams in 3 choppers landed & assaulted the vehicles.
This was after airstrikes by U.S F15E Jets on the terror compound in Barisha
May 22, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
Tuesday propaganda Video of #ISIS Wilayat Gharb Ifriqiyā #ISWAP titled "Kill them where ever you find them".

We shall not be posting much of the clip but some few minutes for research, investigative and analysis purpose.

NB: Thread ≠ Support of the Terrorists. Some of the Nigerian Soldiers captured by #ISWAP during the Jan raid on MNJTF Base in Baga.
The brave soldiers were unfortunately executed.

Isaac Adefisan 353 Artt. Reg. 81 Div
Africa Shedrack 2Bde garrison 6 Div Uyo
Adamu Isa 211 Armored Demonstration Batt Bauchi
May 7, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
After some 37 years, the Russian Military retrieved the remains of Israeli soldier Sgt.1st class Zachary Baumel, who was MIA since the 1982 First Lebanon War in the Battle of Sultan Yacoub against the Syrian army. 1/ ImageImageImage Our sources in the Kiryah (IDF HQ) confirmed the retrieval was a personal gift and favour from Russian president Vladimir Putin to Israel.
The Israeli Mossad was able to detect a planned large scale terror attack against Moscow & 2 other cities of Russia by #ISIS /2
May 4, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
NOW: Ongoing Roof knocking by Israeli IDF Drones in Gaza to alert civilians in the buildings to exit the building within 5 minutes before Israeli airstrikes on the targeted buildings. A 6 storey building in al-Khazindar Gaza hit by an IDF precision Airstrike after it's roof was knocked on. IDF intelligence reveals the civilian building was a storage site for rockets bombs and communication equipments.