Dónal O'Beirne 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Yes I can hear you, Clem Fandango. He/Him. Cis. Team ankylosaurus. Magic heat bag Where's my gondola?! XXIV https://t.co/ja2IoK8HoS
May 3, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
This is another great example of the cultural and sociological boundary that exists in Alberta between Calgary and the southern province, and the rest of Alberta. #ableg The responses to this tweet are interested. Calgarians assume that it’s a slight by Edmonton.

There are unique nations in Alberta and that’s not a shocker. Calgary takes pride in theirs.
Jan 11, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
The #ucp policy process is irrelevant. Parties are not and cannot be bound by party policy if they form gov’t.

Think I’m wrong? Ask the #cpc defenders of the traditional definition of marriage how that policy worked under CPC govts. #ableg Rather than waste time with it, I’ll propose something here instead.

I love the flat tax. Love it. It’s fair. But....it’s fair for the wrong reasons. It doesn’t benefit those who need it the most.

Alberta has both a revenue & a spending problem. Fix both.