Chair/Prof. of Am. Studies (& other things)/Social justice scholar/change maker/ Runner, seeker/Author: Modern Bonds(2018)/Fulbright Scholar/Chair MA Humanities
Jul 29, 2020 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
When Boards of Trustees @ public universities (who often are composed primarily of people from the for-profit private sector who have never worked in/taught at public uni) speak about the “public good” of public education, they seem to have an odd understanding of the term.
To them, the “public good” of public higher ed seems to be to churn out graduates who have been prepared to serve the specific employment needs of the very private business sector the BoT folx represent.
Jul 14, 2020 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
A tale of 2 reviews: Recently, my book, “Modern Bonds: Redefining Community in Early 20thc. St. Paul,” has been both lauded and panned. Why? Opposing views on racial justice and its history in MN. Let's take a closer look. #academia#publishing#racism 1/12
The negative review critiqued Modern Bonds for its persistent focus on #racism/racial discrimination & the way I challenge positive narratives about midwestern culture especially compared to other parts of the country. That review is here 2/12…