Public lawyer. @GriffLawSchool @ILC_UNSW. “You better check yo self before you wreck yo self” Ice Cube 1993
Dec 21, 2023 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
The cheek of anyone writing for the Oz accusing others of living in a post-truth world is incredible considering their relentless post-truth campaign against the Voice, and so much more, but here we are with this nasty, personal & defamatory attack on Sally Scales 🧵
The APY art centre story built by the Oz stinks. But not for the reasons they would have you believe. Full disclosure by me, something the Oz team won't bother with around their investigation, I consider Sally a close friend/colleague. So take/leave as you will.
Oct 21, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Below is my personal reflection after this past week on the referendum result & having read & heard too much from too many that have not learnt a single thing. It seems punching down on Indigenous people remains a national past time & also to be good for business.
I was going to engage with some notable contributors but we all know who they are and which masthead they majoritively write for. Some notable exceptions to that rule coming from usual “progressive” suspects.
Sep 26, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Alright. This ridiculous $40 billion on Indigenous funding/programs myth. I’ll post a full detailed explanation on my website & link here later. But here is the run down. It’s a lie. Deliberate to mislead & sow division. #VoteYes #VoiceToParliament #auspol 🧵
The $40 bill figure comes from the champions of fear, lies & misinformation @FairAusADV. That should be concerning enough. You can read their creative accounting here: #VoteYes #VoiceToParliament…
May 2, 2023 • 17 tweets • 15 min read
The Voice is about empowering communities, not the same privileged few. Here's Warren (@nyunggai) supporting $500m in cuts to community programs in 2014 while arguing for $600m more. His finger prints are all over the failure to close the gap 🧵#auspol#VoteYes#VoiceToParliament
This was under the Indigenous Advancement Strategy. Abbott's landmark policy that brought Indigenous affairs into PM&C & gutted community support. The IAS was key reason behind many calling for change at the regional dialogues leading to Uluru #auspol#VoteYes#VoiceToParliament
Jan 29, 2023 • 9 tweets • 7 min read
There will never be “veto power” for Voice, or Treaty, or any kind of arrangement for Indigenous peoples in Australia. It’s impossible. It’s important to understand why. This is not a limitation of the Voice proposal. It’s an impossibility 🧵 #VoteYes#UluruStatement#auspol
Under the Australian system of democratic governance established by our constitution, the parliament has legislative power/authority. That’s the house of reps & senate. That’s it. They’re/it’s sovereign. #VoteYes#UluruStatement#auspol
Jan 29, 2023 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
This is quite something from David Littleproud & @The_Nationals - I’ll think you’ll find bureaucrats swanning in & out of Indigenous communities is a massive part of the problem we have now, that is the status quo that is failing our people. #UluruStatement#auspol#VoteYes 🧵
Let’s not forget again here @The_Nationals have zero credibility on what will work for closing the gap. They had the Indigenous affairs portfolio for almost 7 years out of the past decade. #UluruStatement#auspol#VoteYes
Jan 29, 2023 • 7 tweets • 6 min read
This is embarrassing. What a very confused No case. Misquoting source of “all men are created equal” saying it’s US Constitution rather than Declaration of Independence, then also saying it’s a good example to draw on? #VoteYes#UluruStatement#auspol 🧵…
Warren, that same US carried on & enabled slavery after declaring independence under banner of “equality for all” 🙃 And let’s not erase the history & experience of Native American people, including the recognition of their rights & place too #VoteYes#UluruStatement#auspol
Jan 28, 2023 • 9 tweets • 7 min read
A lot of talk about what practical benefit the Voice would have & people jumping to voting intentions without thinking or engaging. Some genuine; some I think less than genuine in light of Alice Springs. Let me unpack a little. 🧵 #UluruStatement#auspol#VoteYes
Firstly, an immediate response seems to be “just listen now” or “why isn’t the advice already being listened to” - or we don’t need a voice to listen. Again, some genuine concern here along with disingenuous talk from those fundamentally opposed #UluruStatement#auspol#VoteYes
May 25, 2022 • 14 tweets • 8 min read
The #UluruStatement sequence is key. A Voice to Parliament protected by the Constitution, then a Makarrata Commission for treaty & truth telling. This was settled by the USFH process & should not be re-litigated. Below are some points on why this is key for Voice & Treaty #auspol
Questions have been asked about the advisory only nature of the Voice, implications about its lack of power, and about it ceding Indigenous sovereignty or rights. None of this is correct (has been disproven multiple times) & misunderstands challenges faced #UluruStatement#auspol