Jan Rydzak Profile picture
Tech accountability and human rights @SDGbenchmarks ∞ @rankingrights • PhD @uarizona • Past: @Stanford_GDPi @theGNI @EU_Commission • Not here: janrydzak
Nov 19, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ Two big highlights in @facebook’s new enforcement report: (1) 1st estimate on the prevalence of #HateSpeech on the platform; (2) data is finally available for download.

Good to see FB edging toward more disclosure. But many transparency gaps remain. about.fb.com/news/2020/11/m… 2/ Here’s a sample of these gaps:

🚩 Still no estimate of total volume of restricted content

🚩 Still no breakdown by restriction type - a major issue given Facebook's buffet of enforcement options

🚩 Still no national-level breakdown of enforcement stats
Mar 23, 2019 17 tweets 12 min read
1/ NEW WORKING PAPER on #InternetShutdown-s and protest in #India based on thousands of data points from 2016. Bottom line: shutdowns are followed by a clear *increase* in violent protest & have very ambiguous effects on peaceful demonstrations. #KeepItOn papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cf… 2/ India has recorded by far the highest number of shutdowns of any country in the 🌏 - a staggering 134 (per @NetShutdowns) just last year, largely in an attempt to quash protest. What this paper shows is that this kind of repression does not achieve what it sets out to achieve.