feminist follies Profile picture
Feminists just want equality, bigot Reading feminist forums so you don't have to. DMs open Red text = deleted by mods moid/scrote=man or boy alt @manumiss1on
Jul 15, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
List of feminist misandry, with dozens of sources, proving high-profile feminists have systematically promoted violence and hate against men from the first wave onwards.
Most of these feminists have been lauded by "moderate" feminist organisations
reddit.com/r/MensRights/c… Quotes by high profile feminists. None of them have been ostracised by the 'nice' feminists and many have been applauded.
1/ Image
Jun 29, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
88% of men find the term #toxicmasculinity insulting, feminists are more likely to describe masculinity as toxic, and men who believe in "patriarchy" have lower self esteem than men who don't. ImageImageImageImage Feminists insist that the phrase #ToxicMasculinity could not in any way whatsoever be taken to insinuate that masculinity is toxic, and anyone who says it does is crazy.
For some reason they don't feel the same way about the phrase "toxic feminist".
#ToxicFeminism #Hypocrisy ImageImage