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Jan 11th 2023
.@blakehounshell’s death by suicide after battling depression spotlights broader issues: as a culture, we stigmatize #mentalillness + laud stoicism (or #toxicmasculinity?). #RIPBlakeHounshell
+ basic #ableism centering identity on work and productivity. Normalize telling your friends and family when you’re not ok. Normalize telling your caregivers. Normalize taking a break. Normalize asking for help, normalize receiving it. #RIPBlakeHounsell
61 million adults in #USA live with a #disability = 1 in 4. You are +/or know someone living with a disability. Do we talk about it? Or is it a shameful, secret thing? Internalized #ableism, #stigma kill.… via @CDCgov #RIPBlakeHounsell
Read 9 tweets
Nov 25th 2022
#Batman’s Opinion of His Greatest Weakness Is a Sobering Message About Mental Health…

Now - To be clear: I think that (modern) #comics are silly, self-serious, & written largely by pompous idiots!

BUT - Isn't this above JUST the crux of the matter! 😄
And yet: WHY devote an entire article to this? When it can be so much better summarised, in a few hashtags?? 👇

#toxicmasculinity #herocomplex

(#fascistcrap I might well say.. 😏)
#Takingyourselfmuchtooseriously (Which is something that a good Trickster (an #archetype which is often the opposite of the hero archetype) Would NEVER do.. As the Joker never would, IF he were written *true to archetype*, which he usually isn't.. These days. 😏
Read 7 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
I really think more women need to wake up to this nonsense. I think too many of us have stayed quiet because we don’t want to hurt feelings and are too concerned with being polite. I’ve had enough. I’m not going to be quiet. #womanface is disrespectful. #boycottulta
One of the things that bothers me the most is that these men want to claim womanhood and oppression but they have no problem marginalizing women who have a problem with it. No one gets nastier to women than a man claiming to be woman who gets called out. #boycottulta #womanface
How is it okay for a woman to be told what womanhood means by a man who can never know. These men have the most shallow and stereotypical view of women that I have ever seen. Wake up ladies! We as a group talk about #toxicmasculinity but are afraid to call this out. #boycottulta
Read 6 tweets
Sep 18th 2022
On Friday I posted a thread on how a Citroen C15 can do almost everything a Truck/SUV can, and that men who do buy Trucks/SUVs only do so as an antidote to their insecurity.

This, unsurprisingly, has upset many of those men.

Below are some of my favourite responses:
They come in many shapes and forms, firstly, the FREEDUM 'MERICA I DONT HAVE TO JUSTIFY WHAT I DO TO YOU group:
Then we have the "AHAH U GAY VIRGIN I FUCK UR WIFE" group, who I find to be particularly charming
Read 6 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
1/n There are 2 ways to read the @washingtonpost breathless reporting on the White House "Tiger Team" that's been "gaming out" confrontational scenarios re #Ukraine since November:… >
2/n One way wd be to marvel at the "foresight" & smarts of Biden's forpol team. Another wd be to strongly suspect that this "Tiger Team" has been a major mechanism thru which Bidn's ppl have created & hyped the whole #UkraineCrisis. A couple of notes here: >
3/n My spouse Bill Quandt, an expert on US nat-sec policymaking recalled that in the 1980s, when dealing with the Cold War, Reagan would have *two* teams of opposing *analysts* provide their competing analyses of the murky/confusing data coming in from #Russia >
Read 11 tweets
Jul 6th 2021
(Toxische) Männlichkeit als Risiko für #Innovationen: am Beispiel des Rollkoffers – Thread, weil muss.

Der Rollkoffer soll in den 1970ern erfunden worden sein. Durchsetzen konnte er sich lange nicht, was den „Erfinder“ verzweifeln ließ. Weil: "Koffer werden getragen. Punkt." 1/9
Und noch wichtiger: "*Richtige Männer* tragen die Koffer ihrer Frauen eh!“ Es war „unmännlich“ einen Koffer zu rollen. Und die Industrie einfach nahm an, Frauen würden nicht alleine reisen. (🤯) Also keine Daseinsberechtigung für den Rollkoffer – bis ein Pilot... 2/9
Ende der 1980er Gefallen an einer rollenden Cabin Bag fand. Kein *Rollkoffer*, sondern *Teil des beruflichen Equipments* von Piloten… 3/9 #nowyouknow
Read 9 tweets
Jun 16th 2021
Call it racism, misogyny, sexism, religious righteousness, some combination or just plain plutocracy — fundamentally, GOP are against equality.

It’s not new or news GOP are against a fully functional democracy.

#inners #maddow #deadlinewh
#ToxicMasculinity which includes bullying & cruelty to keep others down in GOP hierarchy of value.

Unapologetic amorality born of core righteousness are fear based reaction to democracy & equality as it means loss of privilege/entitlement/freedom to unfettered wealth & power.
Democracy thriving requires we #MakeAmericaHumane

Reconciling our various spectrum of ability with equality of rights & dignity

Reconciling freedom with fairness, abandoning “might is right” for justice

Economy thriving = raising the standard of basic quality of life for all
Read 8 tweets
May 27th 2021
This is going to be controversial, but here goes.
Although I do believe in #GenderEquality, I don't consider myself to be a #feminist.
I will explain the reasons why in this thread... (1/x)
First let's look at the Meriam-Webster definition of the word...

"[A] belief in and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests."

This definition: ✔️
However, the people that call themselves "feminists" don't always reflect this reality.
Even if you are committed to improving the rights of women, you might very well not be a feminist.
Why? (3/x)
Read 12 tweets
Feb 5th 2021
I am not okay tonight.

*TW: kidnap/murder*

Last Friday, Andrea Bharatt, a young 23 year old woman was on her way home from work at the magistrate's court, in Trinidad. 1/ Image
She and her co-worker took a taxi home, her co worker was dropped off and she was kidnapped. When her father called her phone, a man picked up and threatened to cut her ears off if he did not receive a ransom. 2/
The country went into a hyper vigilant mode searching for her everywhere with a $50K TT reward. A prominent business owner offered $400K for her safe return. 3/ Image
Read 25 tweets
Jan 16th 2021
Apr.2020 #Pandemic At Center of #Globalist & #Psychological
#Warfare Against #Freedom.

📽 #UN #WEF Globalist admit Coronavirus is at the centre of the wheel for #Global #Governance…

#ClimateTax > #ClimateHoax
#COVID > #Agenda2030 ImageImage
Apr.2020 #US #CoronavirusReliefBill had 'Digital Dollar' in it but was stripped out. On #DigitalDollar* website (Digital Dollar Project states it is partnering with Accenture) led by David Treat

* was going to create a federal reserve digital dollar

/1 #BiteSizeChunks
Digital Dollar: David Treat Snr MD & co-lead of blockchain / NY Fintech Innovation at Accenture, also serves on board for #ID2020 alliance, #WEF #4IR Global #Blockchain Council member, program advisor Chamber of digital commerce, & WEF digital ID

/2 #BiteSizeChunks
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Nov 14th 2020
I am appalled and will not sit silent as this faculty at @UChicago spews hate aimed to repress EDI initiatives and underrepresented individuals in our department #diversityinSTEM
He has now added two more videos and continues to troll. While everyone should have a voice, this goes against everything @UChicago stands for and the standards we should have as a department
We must be better allies and that starts with calling people like Dr. Abbot . Help me twitter and let @GeoSci_UChicago folks know they have allies and this won’t stand #DiversityandInclusion #diversityinSTEM #ToxicMasculinity
Read 3 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
@RepTedYoho Just a quick question. Do you always refer to your female congressional colleagues as "fucking bitches" or even maybe just @SpeakerPelosi as a singular "fucking bitch" (since she's a favorite demon for y'all). Or do you save that language specially brown women @AOC
Not a congressional representative but I happen to be a person with above average commonsense and I'm just sayin'-- pretty sure this is not the best way to represent your constituents nor your best Jesus loving self.…
#ToxicMasculinity and #WhiteSupremacy are real. You should seek therapy and remain quiet until women of color have given you the go ahead to speak on your opinions.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 19th 2020
Today I had my second run-in with a man claiming “a real man doesn’t wear a mask”. Last time it was “real men don’t live in fear, *homophobic slur*”. I have many thoughts about this type of reluctance to #WearAMask & how it’s contributing to the spiraling #COVID crisis (THREAD)
2/6 Now, first of all, I think the disgusting slur was related to the awesome blue floral design mask a friend made that looks great with a blue gingham shirt, AMIRIGHT @RepWeinstein? But I digress...
3/6 This type of macho male ego (pronounced #ToxicMasculinity) aversion to wearing masks is as pervasive as it is perplexing to me. If they aren’t explicitly barking this approach into people’s faces in anti-mask defiance then they have it written all over their face/posture.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
Raise your sons right.

"Stop crying like a girl" is the first step towards teaching your boys patriarchy, teaching them to belittle women. From then on, they slowly snowball into misogynistic monsters we see today.

#toxicmasculinity #misogyny #patriarchy
Yes, the boy is cute. Let’s celebrate his victories (in all the warped ways)
Yes, he’s just being a boy. And boys can hit/ abuse/ trouble others (read girls). NO. Keep your hands to yourself. Boys do not have to hit anyone to prove that they’re boys.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 29th 2020
88% of men find the term #toxicmasculinity insulting, feminists are more likely to describe masculinity as toxic, and men who believe in "patriarchy" have lower self esteem than men who don't. ImageImageImageImage
Feminists insist that the phrase #ToxicMasculinity could not in any way whatsoever be taken to insinuate that masculinity is toxic, and anyone who says it does is crazy.
For some reason they don't feel the same way about the phrase "toxic feminist".
#ToxicFeminism #Hypocrisy ImageImage
Luckily its being called out Image
Read 4 tweets
Jan 2nd 2020
A recent article on NBC highlights “The Decade in Asian America”. But it didn’t highlight ONE Filipina/o/x American. Not a great start to 2020, but in true pin@y resiliency, we create our own lists... AGAIN #FilAmDecade…
1) The Brown Asian American Movement has been around since the inception of Asian American organizing. But this decade is where pin@ys yelled that #BrownAsiansExist, thanks especially to @ejrdavid @ErnabelD @anthonyocampo…
2) #FilipinoFoodMovement took off this decade. From premiere restaurants in NYC, SF, LA, & Chicago to release of cookbooks (including new Instapot book!) Too many to name, but much love to @FilFoodMovement @hoodfamousBS @filipinokitchen @NicolePonseca…
Read 12 tweets
Dec 20th 2019
1/Had an awful #toxicmasculinity @lyft experience that exemplified why culture matters so much when building a business and customer loyalty. Driver picked me up and then two other passengers for shared ride. I inquired the order of stops and mine was next destination.
2/Found out destination of other passengers and informed @lyft driver that his route was going in opposite direction of both passenger stops. Asked if he could reroute back to main road which would have been a 7 minute drive direct line on one road to my stop.
3/@lyft driver started complaining of my request and informed me he would not be paid if he veered from exact GPS route. I shared my experience that that policy was only for pickups to ensure no detour and efficiency of all passenger pickups.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 3rd 2019
"Erkek saldırganlığı" ve "kadına şiddet" hakkında 25 parçalık bir zincir.

1/ #EmineBulut sonrası gördüğüm 3 farklı yaklaşımdan bahsedeceğim:

-Klasik muhafazakarlık ("o saatte orada ne işi varmış")
-Yeni sağ ("asıl mağdur erkekler")
-Yeni sol ("bunların hepsi sosyal inşa")
2/ İlki hakkında denecek yeni bir şey pek yok.

300 bin yıllık insanlık tarihinde, kadının erkeğin malı olması 10 bin senelik bir ara dönem (Neolitik Devrim). Çoğu toplumda daha da kısa.

Miyadını çoktan doldurdu, salt gelenekle devam eden artıkları da azalarak bitecektir.
3/ Ha, bazı gençler "Tanrı böyle emretti" demiyor da "farklı evrimsel üreme stratejilerinin sonucu" diyor.

Zıt kutuptalarmış gibiler ama ikisi de, tarihin %1'ini oluşturan bu ara dönemi "insanın doğal hali" veya "olması gereken hali" olarak yorumluyor.…
Read 25 tweets
Aug 25th 2019
Leute! Bei #Drohgebärden, #ToxicMasculinity, offen gezeigtem #Rassismus, #Sexismus, #Ableismus etc. sieht man nicht weg!

#WirSindMehr. Das heißt: Aufstehen. Mund aufmachen.

Fallt nicht auf den #Zuschauereffekt rein! Der Gegner verlässt sich drauf. Wir müssen #unteilbar sein. >
Der #Zuschauereffekt, auch #BystanderEffect, tritt auf, wenn Menschen Zeugen von Situationen werden, in denen man eigentlich eingreifen und Hilfe leisten möchte (unterstelle ich mal – wenigstens aber: sollte).
Je mehr Zuschauer, desto unwahrscheinlicher, dass einer eingreift. >
Das heißt im Klartext: Je mehr Ihr seid und je größer damit Eure Erfolgsaussichten wären, desto unwahrscheinlicher ist es, dass auch nur einer von Euch tatsächlich etwas tut. Alle ziehen den Kopf ein.
Hier ein paar Hintergrundinformationen:… >
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Jul 12th 2019
Let me tell you about the time I rage quit a tech study because it was #toorapey

we're going to call this the rapey noise study™

what's the rapey noise study™, you ask? great question!

it's a (not good) study about interacting with a computer using your brain by focusing on a noise while other noises are playing.... [look ma, no hands!...]

Read 39 tweets
Feb 28th 2019
1. Toxic masculinity killed 25 people
2. State negligence and refusal to invest in the train system continues to kill #Egyptians
Clearly, the long-running neglect by successive #Egyptian regimes of the rail network has claimed too many lives. And re yesterday’s tragedy, the long-running refusal to confront patriarchy & toxic masculinity - on state and street level - will also continue to claim lives.
A fight between 2 men killed 25 people. When I write or talk about feminism and the need to dismantle patriarchy, I hear “This isn’t the time!” When is the time? Men who benefit from patriarchy don’t care about its toll on others. It took a toll on 25 people yesterday. #Egypt
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Feb 13th 2019
Remember man who shot dead 2 women at a yoga studio,injured 5, and killed himself? An investigation has found he “planned the attack for months and had...a documented disdain for the opposite sex.”Does such misogyny qualify as terrorism?… #ToxicMasculinity
3 month’s before the mass shooting, Scott Beierle “shared a link to his website “Path of Defiance” with a childhood friend & his wife,who was so disturbed by the content — it included songs about the rape and torture of women — that she shared it with the FBI.” #ToxicMasculinity
“If I can’t find one decent female to live with, I will find many indecent females to die with. If they are intent on denying me life, I will have no choice, but to deny them life,” a document recovered from a hotel room where Beierle had been staying, said. #ToxicMasculinity
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Sep 28th 2018
You voted for those people, America. They represent you.
-The majority of white American women voters vote GOP —> Grassley and the all-male Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
-There has never been a woman GOP Senator on that committee. It is 2018. #KavanaughHearings
It is 2018. These are the GOP Senators on the Judiciary Committee.
- Old white men - average is 62, Grassley is 85.
- A majority of white American women voters vote GOP. They are footsoldiers of the white supremacist patriarchy that hurts us all.
It is 2018.
- Regardless of how you vote, as a white American, white supremacy works in your favour.
- But if you’re a white woman, patriarchy does not.
I urge all white American women to remember that and to fight it by fighting gendered racism. #KavanaughHearings
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Mar 30th 2018
Thank you @EricFlackTV @wusa9 @charlesallen for confirming what we’ve been saying for years. @ChiefNewsham @DCPoliceDept @DCPoliceUnion @USAO_DC @SafeDC @MayorBowser are #GUILTY

#StopMPD #StopFOP #NoNewMPD #DivestFromPolice #DisarmThePolice
#BlackLivesMatter #BrownLivesMatter
# of people killed by police in 2018: 264
Police officer isn’t in the top 10 most dangerous jobs.
Roofer: 4x more dangerous
Sanitation worker: 3.5x
Truck driver: 1.8x…

Read 19 tweets

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