Dr Fern Riddell Profile picture
Historian. Author. On your TV/Radio. Formerly Verified, Now A Bandit. Expert: Suffragette Terrorism, 19thC Sex + Culture. ©#ImmodestWomen Rep: @thestormboy
Jul 8, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Wait wait… did the suffragettes ever disrupt a wedding omg give me a minute OF COURSE THEY DID, disturbing the wedding of Mr Noel Buxton, MP in 1914.
May 2, 2023 38 tweets 6 min read
omg omg omg omg I heard ghosted was bad. I'm 5 mins in....


Ana de Amras: 'pretty and slightly toxic... what is it with me and room mates?'

Chris Evans: 'Didn't realise you roomed with all of my exes.'


SHE IS BUYING A PLANT. did no-one point out to the writer/s that you just made Captain America, one of the world's leading men, say the one line every women watching knows is an Automatic Red Flag In Dating.
Apr 4, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
I have been trying to wrap my head around this all day. It is utterly insane that the protections afforded to women on how they present ie in the workplace, are being stripped from trans women. If a trans woman is subjected to misogyny and harassment in her workplace she will no longer be protected. So if a man makes lewd comments about her body, clothing or sexuality, or demands sex in exchange for a promotion, she will have none of the protections I have, even tho she will be subjected to the same misogyny that targets and vilifies the feminine.
Aug 20, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I’ve written about the current social media myth that the suffragettes fought for ladies loos to keep them safe from men for @theipaper, it’s going live at midday (I think) and so I’ll probs be taking the rest of the weekend off my fave hellsite. xoxo I went thru the digital archive of The Suffragette to try and find any evidence that the Suffragettes ran campaigns for female only toliets to keep women safe from men, and it wasn't there inews.co.uk/opinion/suffra…
Jun 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
For the anti-trans brigade complaining I've got comments turned off on that thread, here's why:

I'm not interested in debating the legitimacy of trans rights, because it's not a debate, it's a civil rights issue. Trans people exist, their right to exist needs protection. It is a sad fact that trans supporting feminists on here and in our media are subjected to grotesque abuse, normally sexualised, from other women and anti-trans men. This was my experience last month:
Jun 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Right: A woman is suing a trans inclusive rape crisis centre, because someone she assumes to be trans attended one of her group sessions. She knew the sessions were trans inclusive. The only reason that person would be there is because they had been raped. This is a real sticking point for me. No rape victim should be excluded, and the centre made clear they were trans inclusive. Imagine how that person feels, dealing with the trauma of being raped and now reading the place they sought help from is being suing FOR HELPING THEM.
Jun 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
*cackles* no please tell me more about the rich people sex club
Jun 25, 2022 16 tweets 2 min read
bit in love with Paul McCartney's drummer tbh #Glastonbury Family legend of my granny at a very early Beatles gig, asking everyone to politely sit down because she couldn't see.
May 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I’ve seen a lot of women in my timeline, who I respect, get upset about people calling out Mumsnet as place of anti-trans radicalisation. Here’s the latest thread about me. mumsnet.com/talk/womens_ri… Just a great place for mums sharing advice and getting help right?
May 18, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
I had no idea trans women could produce breast milk, the human body is utterly incredible The more I’ve read and learnt about the trans experience over the years, the more I am totally unable to see GC arguments as anything other than complete bigotry.
May 17, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
I’m just going to put a few links here, for anyone finding the combination of Amber Heard/Depp coverage, memes, jokes, oh and then the Tory MP rape reveal all a bit much.

First up: Rape Crisis England
rapecrisis.org.uk For those who are dealing with the aftermath of childhood abuse;
May 5, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I know everyone’s laughing about Piers Morgan’s viewings snowballing towards the negative, but doesn’t it kind of make you stop and think about all those prior prime time producers who claimed his bile brought in viewers? How many times did GMB defend him, on exactly those grounds? And that goes for every bigoted, misogynistic or racist talking head currently platformed by the BBC/newspapers/radio.

But it *clearly* isn’t true. The viewers don’t go to them.
Apr 5, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I’d like to ask any commissioning editors, that if you are going to get a historian to write about rape as a historical weapon of war, you commission a woman to do it, not a man. This thread, obvs, comes with a TW. This is published in the Daily Mail. It walks a supposed fine line between titillation and horror.
Apr 3, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
The last time I tweeted about how the anti trans movement had co-opted the colours of the suffragettes, and how angry that made me as a suffragette historian, it led to one of the most vicious and hateful GC pile on’s I’ve ever experienced on here.

Well, I was fucking right. So how would the suffragettes have felt about the GCs? I’m sure they believe they would have been welcomed with open arms. I disagree. And here’s why: While the suffragettes were bombing MP’s houses for the vote, in Berlin, Karl M Baer was fighting to have his birth certificate
Apr 2, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
I am constantly surprised by men like Linehan, who have hitched their wagon to TERFdom and expect to be celebrated. Women who support trans rights see him purely as a misogynist who refuses to listen and constantly, aggressively browbeats any woman who disagrees with him.

We just don’t care what you have to say, Graham, about how we should think or behave.
Jul 13, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
I wrote about getting covid for the T four months ago. I’m still sick. Here’s what we know:

Sweden and Spain had opposing approaches to lockdown, but now the same level of pop antibodies: less than 10%

C19 antibodies fade after 60 days in most people - I have none 4 months on. And for everyone freaking out over the guardian piece - long haulers had this info a month ago. Our hopes are for long term T cell immunity, and the studies on this are encouraging, but we have no widely available test for it, and currently no clear understanding.
Apr 14, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Hello, I’ve not been here because I am on day 33 of #Covid 19, and for the last 26 I’ve been the sickest I’ve ever been in my life. I feel really lucky not to have had any respiratory symptoms, mine have been purely gastric, but even with mild to moderate symptoms, it’s horrible. For the first ten days, my symptoms were really mild, summer cold, once a tiny temperature (37.2), feeling under the weather. Then on day 9 I started to lose my sense of smell, and on day 10/11 I went down hill really fast. It was like I’d been poisoned.
Dec 30, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
I live near to Ramsgate, the port closed as a commercial ferry point years ago, leaving the council with millions in unpaid fees. So:
- the berths will need to be repaired
- the millions paid
- the port dredged to allow commercial ferries in again Then, somehow, you have to make the roads workable, keeping in mind you will have to add in all the Dover traffic, Operation Stack - which is ALREADY causing the county to come to a standstill + is only predicted to get worse after Brexit - to even make Ramsgate/London🚚possible.
Jan 7, 2018 7 tweets 4 min read
Hi @theresa_may @Number10gov, I’ve just seen the laughably inadequate #Marr interview and perhaps what you really need is some statistics.

According to HESA, recent stats show women make up over half of the student population They also make up 41.1% of the academic body, and 58.9% of the non academic body, employed at Universities.