State of Global Air Profile picture
Data on #AirQuality and health for countries and cities around the world | Collaboration between @HEIresearch & @IHME_UW
Aug 17, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
We’ve just launched a new report on #Air Quality and health in #cities.

🔗 :…

How might the data be used? Here are some insights from experts:
#AirPollution accounts for more than 1 in 9 deaths globally. @SusanAnenberg, @GWpublichealth highlights the importance of publicly available #AirQuality data.

How polluted is the air in your city? ➡️…

2/n Image
Aug 17, 2022 5 tweets 6 min read

🔎We reviewed levels of #AirQuality and associated health impacts in more than 7000 cities around the world, and looked at two pollutants – fine particulate matter (PM2.5) & nitrogen dioxide (NO2) .

Read the report >>…


1/n ❓ Why are we focusing on cities?

By 2050, almost 68% of the world's population will be living in cities and breathing urban air. And #cities are already at the front line for air pollution impacts- and interventions.

#CleanAirForAll #AirQuality
