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A premier independent research & publication think-tank dedicated to analysis of politics, diplomacy, and security in the HOA region.
Nov 12, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
In accordance with the Pretoria Agreement signed between the Government of Ethiopia and the TPLF militant group’s leadership, a subsequent implementation agreement to permanently end hostilities has been reached in Kenya. Thread:

The overarching themes are:
(1/n) Image 1. Detailed discussions on the timetable of the disarmament process has been held and an agreement was subsequently reached;

2. The implementation process of gathering militants to disarmament sites has been discussed and agreed upon; (2/n)
Nov 2, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
Breaking from Pretoria:

A thread on today’s outcome of talks between the Federal Government of Ethiopia (GoE) and the TPLF:
#Ethiopia #Tigray #HoA #SouthAfrica #Pretoria #EastAfrica #PeaceTalks The two-year-long costly Northern Conflict in Etiopia is set to come to an end today, November 2, 2022, with the conclusion of 8 consecutive days of negotiation which asserts the territorial sovereignty, territorial integrity, and lasting peace for the nation- according to (1/n)