Official handle of High Commission of India in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Represents Govt of India to promote relations in all spheres between India and Sri Lanka.
Feb 11, 2023 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
The iconic Jaffna Cultural Center was dedicated to the people today in the gracious presence of President H.E @RW_UNP,Minister @Murugan_MOS,High Commissioner,Hon.Ministers Vidura Wickramanayake, Douglas Devananda,Kadar Masthan,several MPs& dignitaries from all walks of life.1/
H.E @RW_UNP thanked PM @narendramodi for the Center and underlined that JCC is a major project between the two countries.Minister @Murugan_MOS announced a special financial assistance scheme for 100 students in @uojofficial from economically backward families. (2/
Feb 10, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Investments from #India support the economic recovery of #SriLanka. Minister @MOS_Murugan visited Point Pedro. An MOU signed last year envisions building of fisheries harbours in different parts of 🇱🇰 including Point Pedro with #Indian support.
ඉන්දීය ආයෝජන ශ්රී ලංකාවේ ආර්ථිකය යථා තත්වයට පත් කිරීමට උපකාරී වේ. රාජ්ය අමාත්ය එල්. මුරුගන් මහතා පේදුරු තුඩුවේ සංචාරයක නිරත විය. පසුගිය වසරේ අත්සන් තබන ලද අවබෝධතා ගිවිසුමක් අනුව ඉන්දීය සහයෝගය යටතේ පේදුරු තුඩුව ඇතුළු ශ්රී ලංකාවේ විවිධ ප්රදේශවල ධීවර වරායන් ඉදිකිරීමට අපේක්ෂිතය.
Feb 10, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
High Commissioner was privileged to join #DawoodiBohra community to witness the live telecast of PM @narendramodi inaugurating the community’s new learning centre @jamea_saifiyah at Marol in Mumbai. The address of PM was received with great affection and admiration, (1/2)
especially his long association with the community and its spiritual leadership, emphasis on education combining tradition with modernity and the loving bond of the Bohra community with #India.(2/2)
Feb 10, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Minister @Murugan_MOS started his engagements in Mannar with prayers at the sacred Thiruketheeswaram Temple, an enduring symbol of ties between 🇮🇳 and 🇱🇰. The temple trustees recalled with gratitude the generous assistance in restoration of the temple by Government of India. (1/
MOS @Murugan_MoS stressed the commitment of India to strengthen age-old civilisational bonds between the two countries.(2/2)
Feb 9, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
MOS @Murugan_MoS met Hon.Governor Jeevan Thiyagarajah. Underlining the importance #India attaches to #Jaffna and the region in development partnership, MOS emphasized that #India will continue to be guided by the same spirit under PM @narendramodi's Neighbourhood First policy.
රාජ්ය අමාත්ය එල්. මුරුගන් මහතා ආණ්ඩුකාර ජීවන් ත්යාගරාජා මහතා හමුවිය.
Feb 9, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
MOS @Murugan_MoS received a traditional welcome on his arrival in #Jaffna. He is visiting #SriLanka to attend dedication of #Jaffna Cultural Center to the people. He will interact with a series of dignitaries including President H.E @RW_UNP and stakeholders during the visit.
රාජ්ය අමාත්ය එල්. මුරුගන් මහතා යාපනයේදී සාම්ප්රදායික ලෙස පිළිගන්නා ලදී. යාපනය සංස්කෘතික මධ්යස්ථානය ජනතා අයිතියට පත් කිරීමේ උත්සවයට සහභාගී වීම සඳහා එතුමා ශ්රී ලංකාවට පැමිණ තිබේ.
Aug 27, 2022 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
➡️We have noted the remarks of the Chinese Ambassador. His violation of basic diplomatic etiquette may be a personal trait or reflecting a larger national attitude.(1/3)
➡️ His view of #SriLanka's northern neighbour may be coloured by how his own country behaves. #India, we assure him,is very different.
➡️His imputing a geopolitical context to the visit of a purported scientific research vessel is a giveaway 🇱🇰. (2/3)
➡️Safety and well-being of Indian nationals during their stay outside 🇮🇳 including in 🇱🇰 is always of prime importance.
➡️Encourage Indians to exercise all care and caution while in 🇱🇰. (1/2)
➡️Examine all relevant factors, including currency convertibility and the fuel situation before undertaking any essential travel to 🇱🇰.
➡️ General guidance to people who are there (#SriLanka), tourists who are there, or who are thinking of going.(2/2)
Apr 2, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
High Commission strongly denies blatantly false and completely baseless reports in a section of media that India is dispatching its soldiers to Sri Lanka. The High Commission also condemns such irresponsible reporting and expects the concerned to desist from spreading rumours.
ඉන්දියාව සිය හමුදා සෙබළුන් ශ්රී ලංකාවට යොදවන බවට වන අතිශය සාවද්ය සහ සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම පදනම් විරහිත මාධ්ය වාර්තා ඉන්දියානු මහ කොමසාරිස් කාර්යාලය තරයේ ප්රතික්ෂේප කරයි.
Apr 2, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
More fuel supplies delivered by #India to #SriLanka! A consignment of 40,000 MT of diesel under #Indian assistance through Line of Credit of $500 mn was handed over by High Commissioner to Hon'ble Energy Minister Gamini Lokuge in #Colombo today. (1/2)
This is the fourth consignment under the LoC. Fuel delivered from #IndianWells to people of #SriLanka in last 50 days is about 200,000T. (2/2)