Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants. An independent national charity fighting for justice in immigration, asylum & nationality law in the UK since 1967.
Aug 5, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
We are devastated and enraged by the racist violence over the weekend. The scenes taking place on our streets in the past few days do not come from a vacuum – they are the inevitable result of decades of racist rhetoric. 🧵
For too long, politicians and the media have scapegoated migrants, Muslims and communities of colour. We’re now seeing the results – people seeking safety coming under violent attack, people of colour targeted and Islamophobic hate crimes spiralling.
Apr 22, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
BREAKING: Parliament have just voted to pass the shameful Rwanda legislation which puts performative cruelty above people’s lives.
We must oppose the Act and we’ll continue to fight for people seeking sanctuary
Read our statement 👇🏽
Most of us are caring people, who believe people fleeing danger deserve safety. But instead of upholding the values most of us hold dear, our politicians have pushed through the shameful and senseless Rwanda Bill.
Apr 8, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
🚨From 11 April this week, the government is bringing cruel new visa plans into force which will price many more partners and families out of love.
Read below for info 🧵1/
The government is raising the minimum income threshold for sponsoring non-UK partners from £18600 to £38700. 2/
Oct 27, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
'Why do asylum seekers come to the UK?'
Answered expertly by our @zedhas3 at the Joint Committee on Human Rights. 1/
As Zehrah says, over 80% of refugees live in the Global South. In Europe, more people seek refuge in France, Germany & Greece.
The minority seeking refuge in the UK often have family or community ties here. Wouldn't you want to join loved ones if you were fleeing harm? 2/
Jun 9, 2022 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
The government is planning to deport refugees to Rwanda in 5 days.
The plan is an abomination. Racist, barbaric and morally bankrupt.
The report, “Unequal Impacts”, raises huge concerns, including: 🧵
🏡 The Home Office prioritised its Hostile Environment instead of making sure that all of us were able access housing, healthcare, isolate effectively and access the state safety net.
May 25, 2022 • 11 tweets • 7 min read
10 years ago today Theresa May first used the term 'hostile environment' to describe her punitive new immigration system plans. She set out to make life unliveable for people who couldn't 'prove' their right to be here. The results have been devastating..🧵…
4 years after HE policies were introduced, it emerged that govt had devastated the lives of many Windrush generation members.
At least 83 members of the Windrush gen were deported, many more were detained, at least 23 have now died without compensation.…
Mar 22, 2022 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
🚨TODAY, MPs are voting on the Nationality & Borders Bill - also rightly known as the #AntiRefugeeBill - after peers made changes to it in the House of Lords.
👇🏽Here are some of the key changes MPs will consider and how we get them to scrap the #AntiRefugeeBill:
Lords voted ❌ to “offshore” camps for people seeking refuge here. This would mean deportation and indefinite detention in remote, hidden camps for almost all refugees.
⚠️ Today MPs could vote offshore asylum camps back in. #StopNABB
Dec 8, 2020 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
🚨We’re going to court!
The EU Settled Status scheme deadline is looming. Tens of thousands of vulnerable people face being criminalised overnight.
Our case [thread]
2/ The deadline on the EU Settled Status scheme is a cliff edge. Overnight, tens of thousands of people could be criminalised just for living their lives and will face the full horrors of the hostile environment. #ScrapTheDeadline
Apr 21, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The Court of Appeal confirms that the Government’s Right to Rent scheme, which forces landlords to carry out immigration checks, causes racial discrimination.
But judges stopped short of declaring it unlawful. So where do we go from here? [Thread]
[2/5] The Court of Appeal found, like the High Court last year, that the scheme increases racial discrimination in the rental market.
It takes BME people and migrants twice as long to find a home to rent as a white person with a British passport.
Feb 8, 2020 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
If you're outraged by the #Jamaica50 charter flight - don't feel powerless
There are lots of things you can do - here are some of them
The names of the 39 people who died in the back of a lorry in Essex a few weeks ago have been released. 39 people who were loved and will be missed by family and friends. They are more than a number. We remember them here:
Pham Thi Tra My, aged 26
Nguyen Dinh Lurong, aged 20
Nguyen Huy Phong, aged 35
Vo Nhan Du, aged 19
Tran Manh Hung, aged 37
Tran Khanh Tho, aged 18
Vo Van Linh, aged 25
Nguyen Van Nhan, aged 33
Bui Phan Thang, aged 37
Apr 28, 2018 • 23 tweets • 20 min read
1. On this most solemn #EdBallsDay, we thought we'd take you through 50 years of the history behind #windrush & #hostileenvironment as seen through our eyes.
We can do that because we didn't destroy our archives (looking at you @ukhomeoffice ). Thanks to @Hullhistorynews. 2. In 1967 JCWI was founded in the Dominion theatre Southall by 240 reps from community and anti-racist groups.