🌶 Jens | Newsletter Growth Profile picture
I create, launch, and run newsletters for SaaS companies. Tweet non-hacky marketing tips for smart makers and founders. 💌 Newsletter Agency → https://t.co/CFVrovr37O
2 subscribers
Apr 3, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
I wanted to create a newsletter, unlike all others.

Before growing it to 30 000 subscribers.

And I think I succeeded... 1/ The Backstory

I've got a goal. I'm growing my newsletter to 30 000 subscribers before the end of 2023.

That's a 10x increase.

I've done it before.

But before actually starting this massive growth, I wanted to have one - extremely powerful - piece in place:
Mar 29, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
I'm a 10x better newsletter copywriter than ChatGPT.

But I use it to produce professional-grade newsletters 200% faster.

These ChatGPT prompts will help you write expert-level emails:

👇 Image 1/ Ask for relevant scientific case studies

As a former journalist, I want to back what I say with facts

(99% of people on Twitter don't...).

Ask ChatGPT to suggest case-studies and scientific research relevant to what you are writing about. I'm writing a blog post on ...
Feb 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Does your newsletter open rate suck?

Here's how to get it to 50+% - with 10 ways to make your emails easier to read.

1. Use content blocks. Just like newspapers have sections, divide your newsletter into News, Tools, People, etc. 2. Use less color. The eye is drawn to colors. Make it count by only using for the most important parts.

3. Add more blank space. Long texts are easier to read when you break them up. Put more space between paragraphs and even sentences.
Feb 16, 2023 11 tweets 9 min read
I analyzed 100+ newsletters with 29 000 000+ subscribers.

Do you want to know the 8 things their sign-up pages have in common?

🧵👇 🔵 91% have “The Value” in the main header

You must convince the potential buyer that your product is worth paying for.

The best way to prove that is to show them how it will make their lives better - how it will add value to their lives.

👇 @zerotomarketing @carney_co
Feb 14, 2023 13 tweets 9 min read
Your newsletter is not growing fast enough.

There's one FREE tactic many 50k - 100k newsletters used to get to where they are.


[🧶 thread] Image The first time after launching a newsletter can be challenging.

Before word-of-mouth and organic growth take off, it might feel as if you are sending into a void.

By teaming up with other newsletter owners, you can grow by talking about each other's newsletters.
Jun 20, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
How to Build a Second Brain 🧠 🧠

A visual summary of @fortelabs brilliant course and book. @fortelabs Check out the book here!

Jun 18, 2022 11 tweets 16 min read
EVERYONE is just as confused as you about marketing.

But everything you need to know is there already.

Here are the 9 most valuable tweets about SaaS marketing from last week.

[🪡 Thread] 1/ One of the hardest parts of marketing? Having enough ideas!

This is a killer list of ways to never run out of ideas again!

by @amandanat
Feb 21, 2022 13 tweets 18 min read
Everybody tell's you the most important part of marketing is to "add value".

But no-one is giving any concrete examples of HOW.

Here's EXACTLY how 10 brilliant SaaS companies are doing it:

[🧶 Thread] 1/ Involve.me (@involvemeapp)

What: Create interactive calculators, quizzes etc.

Audience: Creators & Ecomm

Topics: Increasing user involvement, growing online sales, retention, content creation.

How: Long-form blog posts, Youtube videos, templates, tutorials.
Feb 20, 2022 12 tweets 17 min read
Everyone is as confused about marketing as you.

But everything you need to know is available, for free!

Here are the top 10 tweets on marketing from last week.

[🧶 Thread] 1/ Threads are the secret key to growing faster on Twitter.

by @abhishekshah173
Feb 19, 2022 13 tweets 17 min read
The marketing course you bought yesterday, is obsolete today.

But the internet is filled with experts, giving away million-dollar knowledge for free.

Here are the 10 best marketing newsletters you should subscribe to 1/ Growth Currency (@growthcurrency)

A newsletter for the Creator Economy.

A warning: if you subscribe to GC, make sure to block some time in the calendar each week - because this one is PACKED.

Feb 7, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
67% of creators don't market their products because it TAKES TOO MUCH TIME. ✹

Content doesn't have to be planned & edited.

You don't have to LEARN something new, to be good at marketing.

And you can do it in 10 minutes.

[🧶 Thread]

✹ Complete bullshit statistic You are creating your product because you want to solve a problem for a specific set of people.


Every problem has different sub-problems.

Take #copywriting as an example.

Your SaaS is helping people to write better copy.
Jan 27, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Just started a directory of no-code marketing/content tools.

When I have 100+, I'll release it for free (in a searchable Airtable)!

What tools should I include?

#buildinpublic #nocode Image 👆 Retweet or Comment on the original thread, and I'll tag you when the full database when ready!
Aug 9, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
My automated system for generating loads of tweet ideas - every day!

Here's how to generate infinite content ideas yourself, for free:

[Thread ] Image Finding content ideas - for your blog, Youtube, Twitter - can be one of the hardest parts of content creation.

But I've set up a system, that delivers new content ideas to me - every day.

The best part?

It is not AI-generated but from real people - in my target audience!
Jun 19, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
🛑 Top-3 Email Pop-Up Mistakes

Contrary to popular belief, using pop-ups to gather email addresses is a great tactic.

But only if you do it right.

[Thread] Image ⏱ Too Soon

Don't show it right away.

People came to your site for a reason - let them invest some time first.

→ Wait 20 seconds
→ Show after 30% scrolled
→ Add an exit-intent pop-up if they don't stick around
May 31, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
10 ways to earn your first $100 from your newsletter.

(Even if it isn't huge)

[THREAD] Image The number of subscribers is not what's important when it comes to earning money from your mailing list.

Engagement is. A few highly engaged subscribers are worth gold.

Narrow niche → More Value

Here are 10 ways to earn your first 100 bucks on your newsletter.

May 26, 2021 14 tweets 7 min read
How @arvidkahl earned over $5500 within 72 hours of launching - by writing his book together with 500 others.

Here's how he did it - and how you can use his techniques for your own launch.

[Thread] Arvid Kahl launched his second book, The Embedded Entrepreneur, on May 19 this year.

The book took off instantly, but this was no coincidence. Arvid started building this momentum from the very start.

Here's how he used the power of the audience to completely smash his launch!
Jul 15, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Here's how we can make #nocode mainstream in 2021.

[Thread] 💡 Get OUTSIDE of the #nocode bubble (no pun intended)

Getting more companies to see the value in no-code will give you as a maker more job opportunities.

It'll bring more revenue to no-code startups.

If that is to happen, we must stop interacting only with each other!
Jun 16, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
💡 Basic customer funnel for #nocode startups 💰

☝️ Top of the Funnel (TOFU)
Where? Social media, Youtube, Podcast
Why? Catch (and retain) the attention of your target customer
How? Talk about what interests them, and help the solve their problems

[THREAD] 👉 Middle of the Funnel (MOFU)
Where? Mailing list (full stop)
Why? Get permission to continue communicating. Build trust and need.
How? Continue to add value on a regular basis: valuable emails, webinars, videos

Jun 9, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
A list of my free content for makers and startups

📺 How to Build a $2000/Month Mailing List
📒 Email Marketing for #Nocode Startups
📫 The Mailing List Bootcamp
and more...


👇 The Email Marketing Ebook for #Nocode Startups

🎯 Find the topics your audience love
🔥 Transform followers into paying customers
🛤 Build an automated sales funnel

Jun 2, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
🔥Writing tweets that'll get reactions 🔥

The Twitter algorithm favors tweets that get a lot of interactions.

Here's how to craft tweets almost impossible NOT to reply to!

[Thread] Don't be afraid to p*ss some people off; pick a side.

Tell people what you believe - and be open to hearing the opposing beliefs.

Twitter is a short-form platform and you have no time to be subtle.
May 16, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
How to create a $49 product in 24 hours:

🧙 Define your niche
💔 Find a specific* problem (examples 👇)
📺 Create a keynote presentation
🎥 Record a video of you + pres.
📄 Create a @gumroad page
📌 Share/pin on Twitter The key is to choose a highly specific problem to solve.

It also means choosing a very defined niche.

🚫 Email marketing for startups.

✅ Creating the perfect welcome sequence with Mailchimp.

The first is way to generic.