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Jan 21, 2021 244 tweets >60 min read
The Inauguration happened! Without violence! It's officially a new day in America.

Now let's focus on the Internet's dark horse star of the show: Bernie Sanders.

This is an ongoing mega-thread of all the best Bernie Sanders Inauguration memes. (Send me ones I've missed!) First, though, let's set the scene with a little mood music: Lofi Bernie, compliments of @good:
Jul 22, 2020 35 tweets 12 min read
Here's what you need to know about Operation Legend.

THREAD 1/ Operation Legend is a federal, interagency force consisting of FBI, ATF, DEA, US Marshals, & Homeland Security.

Hundreds of these officers are being deployed in Chicago today.
Jul 17, 2020 61 tweets 19 min read
Need more context for what's going on in Portland right now? Here's what we know so far.

THREAD Image 1/ Beginning a few days ago, first-hand reports of an unmarked, unidentified police force began emerging from protesters and civilians.
Jul 3, 2020 39 tweets 13 min read
At Mount Rushmore, which is sacred Lakota land, indigenous protesters parked white vans in the road & removed the tires to create a roadblock.

The National Guard has been called in. They've been told they'll be arrested if they don't move.

🎥 @EEBormett
The police officer to press at Mt. Rushmore: "Little heads up right now, you might want to back down the hill. You're not going to like the effects coming. It's not going to be a pleasant smell ... You can stay here, but it's going to be very irritating."
Jun 18, 2020 35 tweets 13 min read
No matter who you are, the Trump team using a Nazi identifier should *obviously* concern you.

But how it's being deployed should concern you too.

THREAD The Trump campaign is a sophisticated digital machine—one of the most powerful pathological reality generators on the planet.

And those who don't opt in to this universe rarely see what his base does. We often literally don't see what he's up to.…
Feb 23, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
The enthusiasm we're seeing around Oculus Quest hand tracking right now is a telling signal. 📽️ @DennysKuhnert

Un petit thread: @DennysKuhnert We've had hand tracking capability—in fact hand tracking that is technically *better* than Quest's—for years. Some artists made great use of it across a variety of platforms.
Nov 19, 2019 25 tweets 11 min read
Whatever it was you heard on @MSNBC, it was neither a fart from Swalwell nor a fart from Matthews—but unfortunately it signals something we urgently need to discuss.

Maybe the most unfortunately prompted thread I’ll ever write:
@MSNBC 1/ First, all these journalists should know better. A lav would NEVER pick up something at that volume. A boom...I guess theoretically. If the boom were pointed directly at his nethers.
Nov 10, 2019 21 tweets 14 min read
We need to stop saying “election security” and call it what it is: national security.

A thread on what’s at stake for the sanctity of American democracy in the 2020 election. 1/ Currently, leading Democratic candidates are projected to beat Trump in the 2020 race.

That literally will not matter if our voting machines are compromised.
Nov 4, 2019 60 tweets 81 min read
Ah, wonderful, Richard Spencer is back in the news.

The veracity of an audio recording is at the core of this story—& since it’s increasingly likely that recorded audio/video will play a role in the 2020 US election, I’m using the moment to share a thread about deepfakes. 1/ Some background: I cover deepfakes as part of my automation & emerging tech focus on Forbes. I also curate new media art shows, so I have a front row seat for the most dynamic approaches to new technologies.…
Aug 18, 2019 15 tweets 10 min read
Deepfakes, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About the Collapse of Consensus Reality and Love the Creative Potential.

A thread. In this video, Bill Hader morphs into Tom Cruise and Seth Rogen only WHILE impersonating them—with transitions that are virtually seamless to the human eye (via @ctrl_shift_face 🙌). It’s an undeniably genius use of the deepfake format.
Mar 27, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Okay, so far I can spot the following titles for @oculus #Quest--please comment with any I'm missing:

Beat Saber
Dead & Buried 2
Face Your Fears 2
Vacation Simulator
Angry Birds
Rec Room
Vader Immortal
Apex Construct
...cont below 👇 Elven Table Tennis
Fruit Ninja VR
Journey of the Gods
Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes
Robo Recall
Ultra Wings
Virtual Virtual Reality
Job Simulator
Shadow Point
Jan 30, 2019 17 tweets 7 min read
Three big trends I’m excited to see emerging in the XR community in 2019:

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
2. Physical Installation
3. Immersive Theatre

👇 AI in XR has been the buzziest lately, with companies like Artie, Fable, and others doing incredible work to push forward the notion that AI will become the backbone (UI, OS, etc) of interaction with the immersive world.…
Jan 17, 2019 13 tweets 4 min read
Hot take: VR is not inherently an empathy machine. In fact, many times it actually drives audiences away from an empathetic response.

THREAD 👇 Not claiming to be the first one to the punch here – standing on the shoulders of giants like @skydeas1:

Apr 2, 2018 84 tweets 34 min read
Just saw the @ReadyPlayerOne movie and want to know how it stacks up against the reality of virtual reality? This thread that breaks down what RP1 gets right, not-quite-right, and flat-out wrong about the future of #VR, immersion, & the metaverse. We’ll also examine the tech #ReadyPlayerOne left out altogether. After all, the film is set in 2045, and given the exponential rate of technological advancement, 27 years will likely yield some dramatic changes in society.
Mar 30, 2018 48 tweets 37 min read
Many friends have expressed interest in learning more about the VR/AR landscape, but don’t know where to start. As an active member of this community for 4+ years, I thought I’d kick off a recurring #FF thread of the people you need to pay attention in XR. Keep an eye out for new names every Friday 💪 NOTE: this is not a comprehensive/ranked list. These are people who I have known to be valuable sources in #VR, #AR, & #MR.