Jon Beves Profile picture
A/Prof. and @ARC_gov_au Future Fellow in Chemistry at @UNSW_science. Supramolecular chemist and heavy metal enthusiast. All views my own. he/him
Oct 18, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
At @UNSWScience we have been investigating the tar balls that washed up on Coogee and other Sydney beaches.
What do we know (and not know!) so far?
Here comes our thread! Image They look and smell disgusting. Some are almost tennis ball size, some are smaller than a 20c coin.

Outside, they are slightly grey, and the inside is black. They are soft and squishy tar and all-round gross.

It is easy to think they are alien poo! Image
Apr 12, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
I am looking for some good CHEMISTRY WRITING exercises to use with my research group. e.g. re-writing sentences and paragraphs etc. Any suggestions? Thread below is the writing resources I use. 1/10 #AcademicChatter #AcademicTwitter #writingtips #ozchem #chemistry #publishing Whitesides' priceless tips is always a great place to start. 2/10…