founder,NINE_On_Can; #ActuallyAutistic leader/advocate/presenter;; #SpacesHost; most importantly MUM
Apr 2, 2023 • 9 tweets • 7 min read
Rules of Engagement #WorldAutismAwarenessDay 1) foster #AutisticAcceptance 2) Believe us when we say, Puzzle Pieces DO NOT help promote #AutisticAcceptance (Dig Deeper into the very problematic history of Autism organizations to understand why)
3) Avoid using toys or childhood images to represent #Autism. #Autistics are #Autistic and will remain as such. We are #DifferentNotLess. When you use toys to represent us, it infantilizes our authentic Ways of Being. Use Rainbow Infinity or Gold Infinity symbols instead
Dec 18, 2021 • 17 tweets • 13 min read
It occurred to me that some may think I “waste” time on Twitter (as I primarily Tweet during my evenings/weekends when I am not working). As a #Hyperlexic , my first & most natural language is actually writing because I take in such inordinate amounts of sensory data… 🧵
…so, when I Tweet I am actually doing a number of things which folx may not realize: 1) I am processing my 💡ideas 💡, some of which are incorporated into my 📕 projects: they may be saved for later or might even inspire a cathartic impromptu writing session…