We have been in session for two weeks. Here’s a short list on some of the legislation that is priority for the UCP:
1) dog whistling about “rights” - amendments that accomplish little except faking that anti-vaxxers were “discriminated against” (they were not) #AbLeg
2) three separate bills to discriminate against trans albertans. That’s right while Albertans can’t afford milk or rent, while over a million don’t have a doctor, 1/3 of the UCP’s agenda so far is taking away rights and punching down. Shameful.
Jul 30, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Hundreds of kids got sick in the place that was supposed to protect and care for them.
The UCP can write all the rules in the world, they can stiffen the punishments - but if they refuse to invest to properly resource investigators it will make no difference.
1/ #AbLeg
In order to fix the problem, you first have to recognize what the problem is.
The UCP admit they need more frequent inspections and better response times, but do nothing about under resourcing.
This is a problem across the board - the UCP hate to govern.
2/ #AbLeg
Apr 16, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Telling professors what topics they can research, the government controlling not just what people say, but what they can think or ask about — what does that sound like to you?
Because actually it is Danielle Smith’s Alberta. 🧵
#ableg #yyc #yeg
Think I sound dramatic? I do. It is dramatic. But it is also true.
Danielle Smith has a law before the legislature right now to make it so the UCP gets to pick which questions are asked by a government research centre. She has another one to cut actual universities off from federal government funding if they ask questions she doesn’t like.
#ableg #yyc #yeg
Nov 14, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The point of the UCP is division. It is about fighting the other - whether that is other Canadians, new ideas, or the kid next door.
The trumped up CPP report that inexplicably claims 53%? Intended to create a “poor me” mentality and divide us against other Canadians.
1/ #AbLeg
The constant drive to destroy public healthcare? It’s meant to make it appear that there isn’t enough for all of us. It is intended to turn rich against poor - to scare the rich into thinking it’s their kids and parents or someone else’s, can’t be both.
2/ #AbLeg
Dec 5, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
The Sovereignty Act is 7 pages long. It’s the UCP’s signature Bill. Less than a week after introduction they want to amend it to change the substance.
Either they intended the powers and are now lying, or none of their lawyers bothered to read and understand the Bill.
1/ #Ableg
The process is clear. They make the motion - which is based on either the legislature’s (probably questionable) opinion of constitutionality, or some nebulous perceive potential harm.
Danielle Smith’s first week on the job, and she has shown us how she will “lead”
1) Smith denied the experience of those who came here fleeing violent human rights abuses, residential school survivors, and everyone who has experienced actual discrimination.
#AbLeg2) Smith continues to pursue bringing in the sovereignty act despite warning from the business community.
It’s a slap in the face to federalism, democracy, and the rule of law. It will create mass uncertainty and drive away investment.
Whatever the political stripe, or the surrounding circumstances, you should be able to count on your government to maintain order and basic functions.
That is what we have lacked most these last 3.5 years - responsible government.
🧵 #AbLeg
I disagree with the UCP on some fairly fundamental values - but one of the most unforgivable is their complete abdication of responsibility to the people of this province - the lack of governance.
They are simply irresponsible. Here are just a few examples
My colleagues and I just withdrew from the committee to examine safe supply. The committee was clearly rigged to have a certain outcome, and I refuse to lend legitimacy to a process like this. Particularly when lives are at stake.
Thread #AbLeg
The UCP’s partisan lenses and attempt to abuse the committee process to generate a particular outcome - on an issue of public health and safety - an outcome not supported by most experts, is disrespectful to every Albertan who has lost a loved one to this crisis.
A clearly illegal protest is blocking a highway to a boarder crossing. It is preventing the movement of goods and people and hurting the economy.
The UCP are trying to claim they can’t do anything about it. That’s a lie. #AbLeg 1/
Injunctions are often used by companies and governments, this so a clear option here, but no explanation from the UCP why they weren’t before the Court Monday morning getting an order to remove the illegal protest from the provincial highway. 2/ #AbLeg
Nov 2, 2021 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Who was in charge?
The UCP have consistently taken the position that Albertans do not have a right to know who was in charge of our provincial government between August 13-30, while the fourth wave crashed over Albertans. They could not be more wrong.
Thread #AbLeg
The Premier has certain powers – legally someone must be in a position to exercise those powers. There are procedures in place to ensure it.
There are two options –Kenney signed the documents appointing Toews, or he didn’t and retained the powers. Both are problematic. 2/ #AbLeg
May 22, 2021 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
This is a big deal.
The Inquiry into anti-Albertans activity was launched on the premise of wrongdoing. Specifically that those supporting environmental organizations actually had a non-environmental nefarious purpose.
If the Inquiry was not looking for funding based on nefarious purpose - it really was just an Inquiry into people holding the “wrong” beliefs. Investigating the environmentalist for caring about the environment.
When a government takes action that hurt your family, neighbours, kids, future - then hides and lies, anger is adaptive and normal response.
Having this response does not mean you are “too angry,” have “too many grievances,” are “too negative,” or don’t have ideas #ableg 1/
Of course we should all come forward with proposals, ideas, solutions.
The UCP will likely reject them - mock, deride, etc. (Though they may then steal them at a later date and pretend they are new)
But the criticism and the ideas aren’t mutually exclusive. 2/ #ableg
Feb 5, 2021 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
We can build a province and an economy that works for everyone. We can have strong public health and education. We can have a thriving economy without leaving people behind.
But we do have to re-examine our arguments, and let go of some old failed ideas.
Thread. #ableg
In the 2019 election I met a lot of people who were scared. Because with two jobs, and kids it can be really hard to afford even the basics.
People don’t have a lot of time, so when a conservative comes to your door with a magic economy wand, it’s easy to believe.
UCP just blocked community and social services (CSS) from appearing before the public accounts committee. Despite the fact that they were recently cancelled, and have not come before the committee since 2017. Thread #ableg
The public accounts committee is responsible for overseeing recommendations of the auditor general, among other things.
Research was done by the LAO, to determine how many outstanding recommendations for each Ministry, and when they last appeared. The UCP ignore it. 2/ #ableg
Dec 5, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
The UCP think their ideology is more important that the wellbeing and mental health of the people of this province. At every step with COVID-19 they have prioritized their “freedom”/small government ideology over what Albertans need.
1/ #AbLeg
Before anyone says “but the economy” - let’s recall that an economy is circulation of resources among people. It relies on the health and confidence of those people. The UCP are not helping the economy, they are relying on outdated disproven rhetoric.
This UCP government has absolutely no sense of the responsibility that comes with governing. There are a lot of things to object too about them - but I think this one bothers me most (though it’s not an easy choice).
They think an election makes them kings.
Thread. #ableg
I got into politics because I thought we needed less reliance on failed trickle down policies and more investment in upstream intervention. I feel passionately about it, always have. But the UCP bother me on a more fundamental level, and I have been thinking about why. 2/ #AbLeg
Jul 29, 2020 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Courage my friends ‘tis not too late to build a better world.
#AbLeg thread:
The UCP want you to be discouraged. They want you to feel you have no power. They want you to believe they can do whatever they want with absolutely no consequences.
Mostly - they want you to shut up. To feel there is no point in calling them out because you can’t win #ableg 2/
Jun 25, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Last night’s fiasco at the committee: the UCP set up a sub committe to do some work. The sub committee is 4 UCP, 2 NDP. It can meet and make decisions with only 4 members present. The UCP chair calls meetings - so basically it can meet with no opposition.
1) the sub committee does work of substance - scopes the work of the committee (what sections we can consider) and decides what witnesses can be called.
The death of accountability and Bill 202 - a (not so short) thread.
This week UCP MLAs voted to kill a Bill that would prevent them from firing another legislative officer in the midst of investigating them, like they did with the Elections Commissioner. 1/
The UCP refused to even hear from stake holders (despite their justification being they don’t understand the Bill).
Like all NDP Bills so far they killed it outright.
If they did nothing wrong, why are they scared of stronger accountability?
Tomorrow the UCP will introduce legislation that will take money from the victims of crime fund - money intended to support victims - and allow it to be used for other purposes. In estimates we heard details of millions being taken from the fund.
Thread 1/ #AbLeg
For decades the victim surcharge has been collected in order to fund services for victims. That money has always been reserved for victims and organizations that serve them. It is the fundamental principle of the fund, but the UCP want to change that. 2/ #ableg
Apr 16, 2020 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Today is a bit bittersweet for me. A year ago today I was elected to represent the people of Calgary-Mountain View. I am honoured that you put your faith in me.
But it also represents a day I think the province took a wrong turn. #ableg 1/
I believe that we are stronger together. I believe that by giving each and every person access to the basics like food and shelter, but also education and the supports they may need to access it, we all become stronger. #ableg 2/