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Jul 6th 2020
Hi again! This week @WithinOther will be tweeting about MN #Srinivas, 1 of the most important anthropologists in the history of India. We'll cover some of the most important aspects of Srinivas's education, career and legacy. #twitterstorians #OtherfromWithin Image
#Srinivas (1916-199) was part of the first generation of anthropologists in independent India. He study at the University of #Bombay and the #Oxford. Later, Srinivas taught in different places such as Oxford, the University of Delhi and MS University of Baroda among others
#Srinivas academic genealogy came from #Durkheim, #RadcliffeBrown and #EvansPritchard Thus he was influenced by #functionalism and sought to describe how the different parts of societies worked together as an organism.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 30th 2019
#AFS2019 Jour 4 !

Après la soirée fort réussie d'hier soir, retour dans les amphis pour la 4e et dernière journée de congrès...

Aujourd'hui, je vais suivre la conférence semi-plénière consacrée à la réception des classements dans l'éducation et la formation.
La séance s'ouvre avec une intervention de Xavier Pons : « Le pouvoir des classements : une approche configurationnelle ».

Objectif : réfléchir à partir d'une sociologie de l'action publique au pouvoir des classements - à partir de la notion de « configuration ».
X. Pons défend la thèse suivante : le pouvoir performatif des classements ne repose pas uniquement sur leurs propriétés intrinsèques, mais sur la + ou - forte adéquation entre ces propriétés et les configurations d'action publique dans lesquelles ces classements sont utilisés.
Read 40 tweets
Jan 21st 2019
Graeber/W pitching Fukuyama all embrac. style ag Fukuyama: what's the point?

Both wanna descr THE World Hist as 1 devel 🤪; G/W go on as if we're to forget #sociology & its #capitalism insights incl. Capit means A+SOME! qual diff ways of org society #Marx #Durkheim #Foucault
G/W explain inequality is dealth with regularly throughout hist: "Rather than idling in some primordial innocence, until the genie of inequality was somehow uncorked, our prehistoric ancestors seem to have successfully opened and shut the bottle on a regular basis..." Ok, fine
G/W conclude on the above : "If so, then the real question is not “what are the origins of social inequality?” but, having lived so much of our history moving back and forth between different political systems, “how did we get so stuck?”

Focus Q: "how did we get so stuck?"
Read 15 tweets

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