LD 🇵🇸 Profile picture
Ireland - activist - antifascist - she/her Only Good System is a Sound System https://t.co/DoVlqHDrMI
Aug 14, 2024 32 tweets 20 min read
#ThorntonHall important🧵

Last nite neo-nazi Gavin Lowbridge (OffGrid #Ireland) held a chat space here re #Dundrum #ThorntonHall etc protest sites.

The incitement to violence was off the scales, I took 🖋📒

I'll also give some background to Lowbridge/other participants etc

1/ Image Going to start w/ Gavin Lowbridge, his incitement, encouraging his followers to forget about just protesting, "how we stop this replacement agenda" by the "cabal", he repeatedly said, "look at how things were stopped in #Finglas #Bargaintown #Galway" - arson attacks & threats.

Oct 23, 2020 21 tweets 13 min read

Who is fascist agitator Graham J Carey who called protest yest to shutdown #Dublin port?

NB. Today Carey called nxt protest for Sun 2pm O'Connell Bridge cos he can't make the fascist gathering at GPO on Saturday

All pics frm his fb page & vids of yest

#AltShite Carey worked as a trucker & is a Yellow Vest fascist
He's been active a number of years & attends & supports all fascist groups events incl Yellow Vest Ireland / Irish Fteedom Party & he supports the National Party

He first called for protest to shutdown #Dublin Port few wks ago
Oct 23, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Small shops, businesses, farmers etc were never really supported by successive govts in this country who have let big corp, multi-nationals, industrial farming etc rule & take-over, especially ruining rural towns, so in a crisis situation zero difference.

irishtimes.com/news/ireland/i… Fascists are of course are exploiting this very issue re Covid now.
& homeless/housing issue to gain traction/support etc...

They're also claiming gardaí's reaction to them yesterday means ppl can no longer "peacefully protest" in Ireland.

We have to make sure that
Oct 21, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
One thing ppl must know by now is fascist agitators main goal is attention, spotlight etc

They hate not getting attention, they need & want their name/msg, fascism/racism advertised/spread

Be v wary of accs/reports that amplify & pose as anti-fascist

#AltShite So many anon "anti-fascist" accs that really do little except say the "right things" appear like most active anti-fascist person u could ever meet but really just amplify fascists/far-right & their msg online
Fascists are capable of doing everything & anything, pls remember that
Oct 21, 2020 6 tweets 6 min read
Fascist Alert #Dublin #Ireland

Yellow Vest Ireland / Irish Freedom Party

Sat / Oct 24th / 2pm

They're also organising & co-ordinating fascist protests this Sat, same time in towns all over the country!


#StaySafe #NoPasaran #AltShite
#IrelandLockdown #Lockdown2 Image I'm seeing fascists threatening 2 shut down #Dublin Port again, TOMORROW
Same day/time Yellow Vest Ireland / Irish Freedom Party advertised their big 72hr protest

I'm presuming @GardaTraffic already informed @DublinPortCo about this

Neo-nazis Tan Turd etc supporting
#AltShite ImageImage
Sep 22, 2019 17 tweets 14 min read
Finally a media outlet that has listened to us -this piece doesn't carry all detail/info but it does finally out Patrick Curran who is racist spokesperson/organiser of #Oughterard campaign & who has worked closely with far-right agitators -Curran is STILL involved in the campaign #Oughterard still have lots of work to do weeding out ties to far-right & racists The fact that far-right were heavily involved in #Oughterard from get go is a huge wake up call to this country. The racism, Islamophobia & far-right prop that was spewed EVERYWHERE was frightening!