For #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth month we want to review the process from imaging to diagnosis of breast cancer. 1/
It starts when a patient comes in for a screening or diagnostic mammogram. Here is @DrJordanaP reviewing #mammograms in the reading room. 2/
44 yo woman. On req: "faint grouped microcalcs." #breastimagers separate calcs and no calcs cores into separate containers (so helpful!). There was only one block of cores with calcs. Here are the #breastpath images. Thoughts? Next steps?
You are all thinking the way I did! For cases with calcs, I always review the imaging, and in particular the specimen radiograph, to see the morphology of the calcs I should look for. Check out the imaging from @DrJordanaP 👇
Hi #pathology tweeples! I just realized that the callus I have on my pinky is from using it to steady my hand as I dot 😂(with my green pen of course 😉). I must dot A LOT! 💪🔬
I have some #path (mostly) dotting related questions out of curiosity.
The #pathology tweeples have very strong opinions about dotting pen color! My tweet is inspired by this from @Chucktowndoc
We are excited to share the first case in our #breastimaging and #breastpath correlation series! This case highlights challenges of imaging/management and the pathologic diagnosis.
Breast excision. What is your diagnosis? Would you do stains? #breastpath
Thanks everyone! This is LCIS involving collagenous spherulosis. I did IHC. The e-cad was stronger than I expected but showed granular staining so I followed up with p120 and beta-catenin to illustrate the different stains.