Louis Gudema Profile picture
Building brands and generating leads for B2B startups and SMBs as fractional CMO. Talk to me about having a half-day B2B marketing workshop for your company.
Oct 13, 2021 95 tweets 41 min read
A couple years ago @miketrap and I had this exchange about #B2B #brand and #marketing. Since then in my work as a fractional CMO, mentor @mitvms, and in my reading/research, I've looked into this. And now I’ve decided that he is right. 1/95 (in-depth thread) But not all B2B marketing should be brand, of course. So what’s the right balance for optimal growth? That’s what this thread is about, and fortunately we have a lot of data to use to sort this out. But first, how did we get here? 2/