Mike Hager - Also at mikehager.bsky.social Profile picture
Reporter at The @GlobeAndMail covering the political, economic and social issues that affect us all. News tips, please: mhager@globeandmail.com
Jan 7, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Here's what @xiaoxuyvr just asked Bonnie Henry and Education Minister Whiteside about #N95s. #BCpoli #BCed Dr. Henry says these experts don't take into account the extra layers of protection afforded students in particular: it's the same people mixing the whole time and daily screenings should filter out #COVID19-positive people. #BCpoli
Jan 7, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
B.C.'s top doctor says her decisions throughout the pandemic have been based on the best information available, but haven't been mathematical certainties. Because of #Omicron's spread, new order today requiring all businesses on Canada's West Coast to have #COVID19 safety plans. "This has been proven to work," Dr. Bonnie Henry tells reporters. This order doesn't apply to K-12, childcare or university and college settings. These plans will bring in barriers, keep people more separated and allow more employees to work from home, if possible. #BCpoli