Hold wrongdoers accountable / Trans rights are human rights / Incitement to genocide is a crime against humanity / TWAW and FAFO
Mar 17, 2021 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
@IngeWood11 Some advocates misrepresent CEDAW article 1 as addressing female-sex only. Trans women are already protected under this under sex, #GBA+ reflects it in Canada.
Bill C16 prohibits of discrimination due to gender (identity + expression) for everyone.
un.org/womenwatch/daw…@IngeWood11 CEDAW's prohibition is discrimination against women ON BASIS of sex, not discrimination ON BASIS OF female sex. Caps for emphasis. Yes, human rights orgs leveraging female-specific discrimination to address women's rights makes sense.
It is not, however, prescribed by CEDAW.
May 30, 2020 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
There's some talk about the incident at Speakers Corner at the centre of JK Rowling's accidental transphobic tweet to a 9-year-old.
Here's the timeline of the Speakers Corner assault case - a #Thread on the risks of protesting while #transgender.
1. Maria Maclachlan was "antagonising" transgender protesters before she was "thrown to the ground and kicked" in Hyde Park.
Nov 3, 2019 • 20 tweets • 5 min read
Much self-righteous outrage about bill C-16 and "transactivists" ruining the world today, pretending women are men and human rights are a finite resource.
It's not pie. You don't lose yours if I get some too. #GIDYVR
It would be so refreshing to hear discussion about policy ideas that would keep everyone safe rather than lament that gender identity or expression are as equally protected as other rights - and for good reason.
Oct 24, 2019 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
When #MeghanMurphy speaks at your facility @TorontoLib and @SFU, will it put you at risk of a human rights complaint for not living up to your own policies prohibiting discrimination or hate propaganda when she says this?
...a thread.
"I think that, I don't think everyone who supports transgender ideology is necessarily a misogynist but I think this movement began because of autogynephilic men.
So men who have fetishes around imagining themselves as women or wearing women's clothes.
An event has been announced in your main branch that appears to intend to make the arguments that gender identity is fiction, our #HumanRights laws are bad policy, and #transgender women are not women:
TPL policies were put in place that prohibit the rental of your facilities for events intended, or likely, to result in discrimination on prohibited grounds. I will delve further into this below.
You also have policies prohibiting discrimination "of any kind" on your premises.