Investigo y enseño en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Intento contribuir al debate sosegado en temas de energía y economía.
Jan 27, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1/ Eurolectric, the Association of European incumbent energy firms, provides a distorted description of the Spanish proposal to reform electricity markets. Difficult to discuss false claims. They must have read another document… 2/ One would expect incumbents to reject a proposal that weakens their market power to achieve competitive electricity prices for consumers. Still, corporate interests should be defended with sound arguments, not distortions. The much-needed debate is not possible otherwise.
Dec 9, 2022 • 17 tweets • 9 min read
My contribution to the #electricity market debate, today at @voxeu
Thread 🧵…
1/Von der Leyen “Current electricity market design is not doing justice to consumers They should reap the benefits of lowcost renewables We will do a deep and comprehensive reform of electricity markets”…
Which should be the building blocks of the reform?
Sep 2, 2022 • 18 tweets • 8 min read
Good news from #Brussels
The leaked @EU_Commission non-paper on Emergency Electricity Mkt Interventions addresses the root sources of the 10-fold electricity price increase:
➡️Excessive profits of inframarginal technologies (nuclear, hydro, renewables)
➡️Gas scarcity
🧵 Thread
The proposals imply a big step #forward in our understanding of how #electricity markets should be designed
And watch out 🔊 because emergency measures pave the way to #structural reform!
Some key reasons & thoughts...
Mar 9, 2022 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
En materia de Energía, la Comisión Europea 🇪🇺 avanza lenta, pero avanza
La comunicación #REPowerEU da un paso muy importante en relación con el funcionamiento de los mercados eléctricos
Lo mejor siempre está en los Apéndices
Abro Hilo 🧵…1/ Lo más importante, por las implicaciones que tiene: la CE admite la existencia de “Windfall Profits”
La subida de los precios del gas está provocando beneficios excesivos en el resto de tecnologías de generación eléctrica (nuclear, hidroeléctrica, renovables a mercado)
Mar 6, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
1/ Que este mercado eléctrico era una bomba de relojería, lo llevamos denunciado muchos durante mucho tiempo. Hasta que la bomba explotó. 2/ Los precios de la electricidad hoy multiplican por 10 la media de la década anterior.
Sep 29, 2021 • 19 tweets • 7 min read
Decarbonisation requires making fossil energy more expensive – that’s the whole purpose of carbon pricing. Well, here we have expensive gas & oil! Will this help the energy transition?
Thread! 🧵✍️
The answer is highly unclear because: 1/ higher energy prices promote efficiency, but...
2/ it is now harder to add more price pressure to consumer bills, and
2/ gas prices have pushed electricity prices up, so the relative price of low-carbon energy has not improved
Jun 21, 2021 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
Comparto mi comparecencia de hoy en la Comisión de Transición Ecológica del Senado ✍️
Abro hilo resumen 🧵…1/ Corremos el riesgo de que la Transición Ecológica descarrile si no atendemos adecuadamente sus impactos distributivos. Hay que poner en marcha políticas correctas que, de partida, no generen desequilibrios distributivos🫂