EU-correspondent in Brussels for Danish Radio & Television. Covering EU & NATO in Brussels since 1988.
Jan 2 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, is rapidly changing Denmarks policy on Europe. Denmark is no longer frugal and is now open to state aid in certain sectors of the economy.
In her New years speech the Danish PM presented her view on the challenges ahead for Europe 1/
The Danish Prime minister is not only changing Denmarks policy towards the EU. She want changes in EU policies. Since Denmark takes over the EU-presidency later this year, the New Years speech is interesting. So here a thread of what Mrs Frederiksen said on Europe yesterday 2/
Sep 11, 2022 • 34 tweets • 6 min read
I dag er der valg i Sverige. På en del områder ligner Danmark og Sverige hinanden politisk. Men faktisk er der mange store forskelle. For at fordrive ventetiden indtil valglokalerne lukker i aften, så kommer her lidt funfacts om det svenske valg. #svpol#dkpol#eudk
Dagen i dag bliver ikke dagen, hvor alle svenskerne strømmer til valglokalerne. For næsten halvdelen af svenskerne har allerede været der. I Sverige "förtidsröstar" man i stor stil. Vurderingen er at knap halvdelen af svenskerne allerede har stemt.
Jan 16, 2021 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
In todays @Telegraph@CitySamuel write about Brexit and the difference between the purchase of vaccines in the EU and the U.K. Thread 1/…
First point of importance.
All U.K. purchases and approval of vaccines actually happened under EU rules. Until the end of 2020 the U.K. was bound by EU rules and the U.K. was part of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) 2/
Mar 3, 2019 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Danish Prime Minister @larsloekke used very harsh words when he described UK politics and the handling of #Brexit in Westminster, when he was speaking at a party conference yesterday. Brexiteers were
characterized as "con men" and the House of Commons as "
paralyzed." Thread 1/6
Prime minister @larsloekke characterized the UK economy as:
"An economy that suffers. Where one car factory after another stops or cancel planned production." 2/6
Dec 13, 2018 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Danish Prime Minister @larsloekke say that it is now up to the House of Commons to define what the UK actually want 1/4 #euco#eudk#Brexit
"it is necessary that you get some homework done in the British parliament which has handled this challenge very different to what Denmark did, when the Danes voted no to Maastricht or as the Irish did when they voted no to Lisbon, "said Danish PM @larsloekke 2/4 #euco