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This channel is paid for in part by Planned Parenthood Votes, 123 William St., NY NY 10038. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Jun 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
As we approach the one-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court stripping away our right to abortion, we’ve watched states across the country move to ban abortion, attack trans youth, ban books, and so much more.

Let's discuss. 🧵 This year alone, anti-abortion lawmakers have introduced more than 360 bills across 47 states that seek to restrict access to abortion in some way.

Bans have eliminated some or all access to abortion in 20 states.
Feb 24, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵In the coming weeks, a ruling by a federal judge out of Texas could compromise miscarriage care for the entire country.

Let’s talk about it: Mifepristone, one of two medications taken to end an early pregnancy, could soon be banned nationwide — even in states like California or Michigan where abortion rights are protected in law.

This is the most common way to end a pregnancy.
Jan 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Abortion is health care and we’re proud to have allies in the US Senate with us in the fight for reproductive rights. "I’m sad, I’m frustrated, and I’m angry. But I’m also determined.” Dr. Floyd of @PPMWDC on her experience as an abortion provider during this fight.

Providers like Dr. Floyd keep us going & we’re determined to fight so they can give care without interference from politicians.
Dec 19, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
‘Tis the season for family chats, dinners… and discussions about abortion. While it’s not always an easy convo, it’s an important one. But how DO you talk about abortion? The key: Connect on a personal level. 🧵 How ppl feel about abortion is based on their values + experiences with pregnancy, parenting, and planning their futures. Deeply personal stuff. Find common ground and speak about your own values + what keeps you in the fight.
Nov 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Your reproductive freedom = your ability to pay your bills.

When you’re DENIED the freedom to access abortion or birth control, you are denied the freedom to decide your own future — and the financial consequences can be devastating. ⬇️ 💰 When making the decision to carry a pregnancy and to parent, you consider the added expenses (formula, child care, clothes, etc).

When that choice is taken away from you, it can jeopardize your ability to make ends meet.…
Nov 2, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
How each sign handles election day (spoiler: they all vote)! Send to your friends that need a little inspo 🧵💫 ♈ As the first sign, Aries are always prepared. They request their mail-in ballot early, and send it back with weeks to spare.
Nov 1, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read


Our opponents want us to succumb to despair. But once you know all the good we've done this year — it becomes unimaginable to give up now.

So here are some reasons to be defiantly joyful, if you needed it today. KS voters came out LOUDLY against abortion bans! When it was directly on the ballot, reproductive freedom won by double digits. This was the first vote on abortion after the fall of Roe — and anti-abortion extremists have good reason to be afraid.…
Sep 6, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Planned Parenthood Votes has the receipts 🧾💅 Want to know the politicians running for office who have *mysteriously* changed their stance on abortion rights since they realized voters are NOT on their side?

Let’s take a walk down memory lane… ➡️ Blake Masters, running for U.S. Senate in Arizona, wiped his website clean of any mention of his support for a national abortion ban.

Funny thing: his website said he supported a national abortion ban just two weeks ago ❗️❗️

Jul 22, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
It's been nearly a month since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, opening the floodgates for states across the country to ban abortion. So, what's changed and how does it impact you?

Here's your post-Roe recap ​​🧵 Right now ➡️ there is a total ban on abortion in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas.

Florida, Kentucky, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah & now Georgia have bans in place at various points of pregnancy.
Feb 9, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Why are we on the road for Roe?

B/c a lot of people don't know that we could lose the basic right to legal abortions in just a few months.

After all: SCOTUS solidified the constitutional right to abortion in the Roe v. Wade case nearly 50yrs ago.🧵 Our message is simple: our bodies, our futures, our abortions.

We need to expand access to abortion. And that means we have to start by defending the right to abortion, period. #BansOffOurBodies
May 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Today, @GovAbbott signed #SB8, a dangerous law that would ban abortion before most people even know they are pregnant.

The majority of Texans support access to safe and legal abortion—but politicians are *still* attacking abortion access. #SB8’s signing comes two days after the Supreme Court’s announcement that it will consider a Mississippi case challenging a ban on abortion after 15 weeks — putting Roe v. Wade in danger and 25 million people at risk of losing abortion access.
Apr 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
🙌GREAT NEWS! The Biden-Harris admin just proposed ending the Title X gag rule! This dangerous policy undermines the only federal program dedicated to providing sexual and reproductive health care to people with low incomes. Breaking: The Biden Admin proposes new rule to rescind the T Ending this gag rule is HUGE! Why? The gag rule was designed to block access to @PPFA and other providers, creating barriers to reproductive health care, especially for those facing systemic barriers: people in rural areas, and Black, Latino, and Indigenous communities.
Dec 30, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Sex education is more than just putting condoms on bananas. Sex education is a foundation for our development as people. We know — it sounds totally awkward to talk about this with your fam. Don’t worry! We’ve got you ⤵️ Spark a convo by getting everyone involved ✨
Oct 31, 2019 6 tweets 5 min read
What's scarier than ghouls, goblins, & 👻? 👀 Unqualified and extremely conservative nominees being confirmed to LIFETIME positions as federal judges. 😱

Their judgeships could have disastrous results for GENERATIONS. 😧 Meet just a handful of them. ⤵️

#Halloween #CourtsMatter Extreme and biased: Sarah Pitlyk has gone on the record against alternative reproductive options, such as surrogacy and in vitro fertilization. She can’t be trusted to protect our health and rights. #StopPitlyk #CourtsMatter
Aug 19, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
For the first time in nearly 50 years, Planned Parenthood is being forced out of the Title X program, meaning people across the country who are already struggling to make ends meet might not be able to access the care they need.

Absolutely devastating.

#IStandWithPP #ProtectX It’s not just Planned Parenthood. Seven states and the only Title X grantee in Maine have also made clear they CANNOT stay in the program under the gag rule — together with Planned Parenthood, they serve nearly HALF the patients in the program. #ProtectX
Jul 16, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
“Women for Trump” launched today, and the hypocrisy is stunning.

Since taking office, the Trump admin has systematically taken away our health and rights — policies that hurt all women, including his own supporters.

We have the receipts. Thread ⤵️… The administration has implemented the Title X “gag” rule, making it impossible for millions of patients to get birth control or preventive care from Planned Parenthood through the Title X program. #ProtectX…
Mar 29, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: The Trump administration strips Title X funding from Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin, Hawaii, North Carolina, Virginia, and southwest Ohio, putting health care at risk for 40,000+ patients — in a coordinated attack to block patients from coming to Planned Parenthood. This comes on the heels of the administration’s finalized Title X gag rule, which bans providers in the Title X program from referring their patients for abortion. If the rule goes into effect on May 3, access to care will be at risk for 4 million people. #ProtectX
Feb 22, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING: Despite massive opposition, the Trump-Pence administration just released its unethical gag rule, making it illegal for Title X health care providers to refer patients for abortion. #NoGagRule #DontGagMyCare The gag rule will effectively dismantle the Title X program — a program meant to ensure that people with low incomes can access birth control & other essential reproductive health care. #NoGagRule #DontGagMyCare
Sep 28, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
If there is one thing you take away from yesterday’s hearing, it’s this: Brett Kavanaugh is no Supreme Court Justice. #StopKavanaugh While the fact that Trump only nominated Kavanaugh because he would gut Roe v. Wade was enough to disqualify Kavanaugh, yesterday further proved he is unfit to be a Supreme Court justice.
Aug 21, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
The reality is that the RIGHT guaranteed by Roe v. Wade is a hollow right without ACCESS. Roberts voted to eliminate access in the Whole Woman's Health decision, where he agreed that forcing women to drive hundreds of miles to access abortion is not an “undue burden.” Roberts – like Brett Kavanaugh’s judicial heroes, Rehnquist and Scalia – has not seen an abortion restriction he didn’t like: he’s voted to uphold every single one. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
Feb 12, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
The #TrumpBudget is more than numbers on a page. It lays out an agenda to strip away people’s rights and health care. #HandsOff

Here’s what the plan would do. [Thread] Gut both the Affordable Care Act and the #Medicaid program — the insurance plan for one in five women of reproductive age. For these women, Medicaid makes the difference between access to basic care, like birth control — or doing without.