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Fuck Leftists… eat my ass, losers!
Jan 14 12 tweets 2 min read

A thread 🧵 that no one will read but everyone should.

By The Phantom of Reason

The reason we use terms like “right wing” and “left wing” is really quite simple.

If you break down all political ideologies… …they generally branch off into two very simple, fundamental philosophical concepts:

1 -individual ownership of property.

2 - communal ownership of everything.

If you value 1, you tend to lean towards the right.
If you value 2, you tend to lean towards the left.

Jul 21, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
(1/11) Do you ever stop to ask yourself:
“Why is the GOVERNMENT such an inescapable part of my PERSONAL LIFE?!” Because that’s how they control us.
#Democrats want even MORE control.
How’s that working out?
Time to hit “STOP” and then “REVERSE.”
Think about it…
#Liberals #POTUS (2/11) Getting married? Government is involved! WHY?! What PURPOSE do they serve?
Having a baby? The placenta will still be warm and the government ASSIGNS THAT BABY A NUMBER!
And don’t kid yourself… it’s not about “population”… it’s about CONTROL! …
Jul 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
(1/4) My tolerance for “Well meaning but misguided #Democrats” and “#Libertarians who want to stand up for the cause” has finally been thoroughly exhausted.
I’m not being alarmist when I say @POTUS and his radical #Leftist are attempting a power grab… (2/4)…that, if successful, will be almost impossible to remove.
By destroying the economy, he increases our dependence on govt. assistance.
By doing things like ending the filibuster and electoral college in addition to making DC a state and lowering the voting age…
Jul 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I’ll do you the courtesy of first answering your question:
It makes you an individual exercising your right NOT to carry a gun.
The difference is, people who DO carry guns aren’t trying to make laws that insist that you carry one. That’s how personal liberty works.
Now… …let’s address the sexist, one dimensional, condescending, bigoted premise of your opening volley:
“Guys think carrying guns makes them tough.”
Firstly, it objectively DOES make them tough. Sorry, sweetheart.
Me vs. A Bear = Bear wins… Me w/a gun vs. a Bear = I win. (cont.)