Alexis Lerner Profile picture
Assistant Professor of Russian Politics at @navalacademy. Authoritarianism, protest, political graffiti, data science, and genocide. Opinions mine, not DoD.
Feb 25, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Here is a thread on how I taught the #Russia-#Ukraine conflict in my Introduction to IR class. Hopefully this is useful for others. #нетвоине @APSAtweets

(Context: I have 20 students in class and 75 minutes of class time.)

🧵/11 Step 1: Background on NATO/Warsaw Pact & Ukraine/ Russia since 1991. Screenshots of slides attached. I added a lot verbally as the conflict was/is constantly unfolding. You can also have students populate this background.

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Jan 26, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Today, @Liberation_75 & I launch the results of our new study on #Holocaust denial and #antisemitism among 3600 North American teens. We've been working on this for the entirety of the pandemic &—as a Holocaust scholar—I found the results shocking.

🧵/8 ONE THIRD OF STUDENTS FEEL ... The most surprising? 1/3 of respondents said that the Holocaust is fabricated or exaggerated.

Where do students get this information?
- 40% said they learn about the Holocaust on social media
- 42% talked about movies and tv shows (yes, Marvel)
- 12% said video games...

May 18, 2020 8 tweets 10 min read
🚨🚨🚨 I’m very excited about a piece that I published w/ CPS this year, titled ' The Co-optation of Dissent in Hybrid States: #PostSovietGraffiti in #Moscow."… 📣 A thread... 1/7 Image In the article, I argue that the Putin administration, as it consolidated power between the 2012 & 2018 elections, co-opted critical graffiti artists & flooded out those unwilling to cooperate, replacing subversive & anonymous anti-regime graffiti w/ Kremlin-curated murals. 2/7 ImageImage