Prof. Farhana Sultana Profile picture
Professor, author, speaker | climate justice, water governance, int’l development, political ecology, geography, human rights, public policy, Global South
NotOralHistory Profile picture Movement As Muse (curated by SusanDavisCushing) Profile picture 2 subscribed
Apr 19 7 tweets 2 min read
Soft drinks in Bangladesh raising funds for Palestine in 2024, similar to stamps in 1970s/1980s raising funds. For context, Bangladesh gained independence in 1971 & has been a staunch supporter, including recently at the ICJ. Colonized people value the importance of liberation.
Aug 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
What is happening in Hawaii & elsewhere is climate coloniality, where colonial & imperial oppression, capitalist exploitation & racialized control create conditions of worsening climate injustices.
Couple of readings to explain.🧵

1 #ClimateColoniality➡️…
Image 2. #ClimateJustice➡️…
May 12, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Horrific to see the volume of bad 'research' articles published not only by predatory journals, but the fake publications being generated w AI help. I'm seeing even more applicants with questionable publications in obscure journals as CV padding.😒 Assess wisely! #AcademicChatter Academics, students, researchers who create rapid publications with poor/fake research will inflate their CVs & h-index through dishonest means. Their work will get cited & used, creating disastrous ripple effects. Imagine your doc treating you based on such shoddy 'research'.😡
Sep 10, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
PSA: Since I’ve seen this conflation everywhere: British Raj ≠ contemporary India. Historic India is not the same as contemporary post-Partition India (1947), bc this conflation completely erases the fact that historic India comprised contemporary Bangladesh, Pakistan & India. When I see documents, tweets, media, etc discussion colonial domination of ‘India”, this means colonization of what is currently known as the independent states of Bangladesh, Pakistan & India. Historic India (pre-1947) ≠ post-Partition India (post-1947). Conflation is erasure.
Sep 8, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
My TL is full of either bellyaching genuflections or the brilliant satire & comedic clapbacks of Irish Twitter, Black Twitter, South Asian Twitter, Indigenous Twitter, etc - mostly ‘people who know how to season food’ Twitter 🙃 👀
Sep 8, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Better brace ourselves for empire nostalgia & pro-colonialism discourse, huh? I’m just thinking about all the millions of people who died & suffered at the hands of brutalizing empire over centuries, but fought against it nonetheless. Rest in power, dear ancestors everywhere.✊🏼 So no, I will not grieve for a title head who represented all sorts of wrongs for centuries across the planet. Racist imperial urges brought us to this day, so please don’t tell me about the damn railroads. That is not worth the subjugation, slavery, rape, pillage, plunder. Ever.
Sep 8, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Water is about power. Take it from someone who’s written books & research papers on this for two decades. Necropolitics via water is as old as time. Climate crisis is only exacerbating this, ramping up human-made tragedies: too much water, too little, wrong time, wrong place. As I’ve been saying for decades: climate change is water change - too much water, too little water, wrong time, wrong place, etc. Climate breakdown is a hydrosocial issue (You can quote me on all this since I’ve said it in dozens of places & audiences).
Apr 19, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
American domestic necropolitics is removing the mask mandate in schools & transportation during an active airborne pandemic while there is no universal healthcare access and large numbers of immunocompromised, vulnerable & disabled people. it’s utterly ridiculous. Complete loss of common sense by so-called leaders & consent into destructive hegemony by too many people, fostered through decades of dumbing down of education and the promotion of the fetishizing individualistic gain over collective good.
Apr 14, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Here is the long-awaited & years-in-the-making paper on #ClimateColoniality! It was my plenary lecture for @Pol_Geog_Jl at the 2022 @theAAG conference.

Access the text here:…

#ClimateCrisis #ClimateJustice #Coloniality #Decolonization I intertwine theories, empirics & storytelling to ground theorizations of climate coloniality in lived experiences. I demonstrated how such theorization are legitimate sites of geopolitical knowledge & counterbalances to hegemonic framings, epistemic violences & structural forces
Apr 3, 2022 39 tweets 9 min read
I never want to hear the word ‘overpopulation’ again. I’m tired of this for decades, ever since I was a child, for people deflecting attention from over-consumption & waste to blame non-white people for being born at all. It’s colonial white supremacist logic & ecofascism.😑 Ample research over years has demonstrated that overpopulation narratives don’t hold up under scrutiny. It’s why for years I teach about reproductive justice in my environment/climate courses, along with colonialism, capitalism & globalization in order to put things in context.
Dec 1, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
No coincidence that there’s a coming together of the forces of ecofascism, neoMalthusianism, white supremacy & US obsession over controlling women’s bodies with anti-choice & forced-births, while there’s climate breakdown & climate injustices globally… I will never understand US & other places’ xtian obsession over controlling women’s reproductive rights & enforcing state violence like this. It’s degrading & maddening. And yet the same people have no care for any life beyond the fetus, esp BIPOC lives globally & ecosystems.
Nov 23, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read

"Political Ecology Progress Report II: Conjunctures, crises, and critical publics"

Download here⤵️… That article followed this one:

“Progress Report in Political Ecology I: From Margin to Center”

Download here⤵️…