Therapeutics Data Commons Profile picture
Artificial Intelligence Foundation for Therapeutic Science and Drug Discovery, developed at Harvard #therapeutics #AI #ML #AI4Science #healthtech #biotech
Sep 21, 2022 4 tweets 9 min read
Excited to share our new paper in Nature Chemical Biology @nchembio

AI is poised to transform #therapeutic #science

The Commons is an initiative to access and evaluate #AI capability across therapeutic modalities and stages of discovery 1/4… Image @nchembio @KexinHuang5 @TianfanFu @WenhaoGao1 @marinkazitnik @HarvardDBMI @yzhao062 @jure @jimeng @cwcoley @yusufroohani The Commons establishes a foundation for understanding which AI methods are most suitable for drug discovery and why

It provides a robust foundation and modern AI infrastructure to support predictive modeling and data-driven design 2/4 Image