Rachel Coxcoon Profile picture
Director: ClimateGuide PhD researcher: 'Climate Citizens', Lancaster Uni Cabinet Member, Climate & Planning, Cotswold DC 2019-2023 Now Herefordshire based.
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Feb 15, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Since late 2020, I regularly have my own work presented to me as someone else's, as the 'Onion Diagram' on pg 5 of @theCCCuk 's local authority guide is a minimally amended version of a bigger tool I developed while at the Centre for Sustainable Energy. A🧵 The original comes from work we did to support Local Authorities responding to the #ClimateEmergency. But the original tool also contains an approach to actionplanning that uses these 'levers of influence' in the onion diagram, linking the levers the changes that we need to make.
Jun 13, 2022 23 tweets 3 min read
A great science-based thread below for anyone who wonders why giving people more information, or creating a slight barrier to their travel behaviour doesn't actually make them change anything.

To which I'll a little illustrative case study... About 15 years ago, my husband and I moved to Bristol from the countryside. Not the 'burbs. Proper 'walkable-to-the-city-centre-in-about-20-minutes' Bristol.
Nov 5, 2021 19 tweets 9 min read
This article about the #GreenhouseGas emissions of the super-rich touches on something I stress repeatedly in my work with local authorities.

The carbon footprints of the wealthiest households are much bigger than the poorest…
theguardian.com/environment/20… …and I’m not just talking about the mega-wealthy, I mean even just the moderately rich. But many councils are fearful of being seen to actively help the rich, so they conflate their #climateemergency work with work they are (often already) doing on tackling #FuelPoverty.
Oct 20, 2020 18 tweets 10 min read
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking, talking about & worrying about the #PlanningWhitePaper & proposed #PlanningReforms over the last 6 weeks. I’ve seen lots of criticism that I agree with about loss of democratic control, but less about potential impacts on the #ClimateEmergency. The White Paper presents an alarmingly reductionist view of the role of planning, focusing mainly on the delivery and appearance of houses as individual units, and the appeal of an attractive street-scene, rather than holistically #sustainable design and function of entire places
Aug 11, 2020 23 tweets 12 min read
Recently, I was asked to give a seminar for @mhclg’s planners on the challenges faced by local authority planners delivering against the #climateemergency, because I work with lots of councils & I’m also Cabinet Member for Forward Planning at @CotswoldDC. So I know some stuff. First up, I did the ‘we’re all doomed’ bit. You know, the rollercoaster graphs steeply going up and the even steeper graphs of how emissions need to come down.