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In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse To Accept a Fascist America! ⬇️ Listen/Subscribe to our POD ⬇️
Lukeharuki92 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 9, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
#TrumpIndicted on federal charges!!It’s significant that Trump, who’s always declared himself above the law & transformed the GOP & its base into a party of fascist lawlessness & violence– culminating in the Jan 6 coup attempt – faces serious charges & multiple investigations 1/7 The joy at the prospect of seeing this fascist criminal face any accountability, for anything & the hunger to see him behind bars is righteous. It reflects an enormous reservoir of popular sentiment that could be turned into necessary action to change history #TrumpIndictment 2/7
Apr 6, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Make no mistake. The Oklahoma #abortion ban is a Christian fascist bridge between #SB8 in Texas & the expected overturning of Roe v. Wade later this spring. This is not just any abortion ban. A thread.… Besides its extreme viciousness, this ban closes off one avenue of relief for women in Texas, who have fled the state to seek abortions in neighboring states. Think about how the Fugitive Slave Act attacked the means of enslaved people to reach safety.
Jan 6, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
🧵 One year ago, we saw Donald Trump call forth and unleash fascist mobs to storm the U.S. Capitol. This was a violent coup attempt – the culmination of a rolling coup Trump had been announcing and carrying out for months.
While it failed in the immediate sense…1/ #January6th became a dress rehearsal & rallying cry to further harden a now battle-tested fascist movement and Republi-fascist party. 2/
Jul 18, 2020 14 tweets 8 min read
THREAD on why we must PROTEST Federal Crackdown on Portland!
TRUMP/PENCE OUT NOW! #PortlandKidnappings #TrumpPenceOutNow 1/ 14 This week, in an ominous escalation of fascism, the Trump/Pence regime sent federal troops from multiple agencies to storm the streets of Portland, Oregon and crush ongoing protests. #PortlandKidnappings 2/14
Feb 27, 2020 25 tweets 8 min read
Y’all wanna refuse to accept a fascist America? Here’s a thread from our new Statement of Conscience. #TrumpPenceOutNow #OutNow Silent No More, We Say:
The hour is late. For over three years, the Trump/Pence regime has brought an unrelenting barrage of insult, injury, and atrocity, with catastrophic consequences for all humanity. #TrumpPenceOutNow
Sep 30, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
It’s not “craziness” when Trump talks about an upcoming Civil War. It’s fascism. Past time to take him seriously: almost 3 years of evidence from concentration camps along the border to a Muslim ban to an emboldened & deadly white supremacist movement. (THREAD). #CivilWar2 This Regime makes a mockery of truth, they are foreclosing the right to dissent, and they trample over the rule of law. They have been relentless — and they aim for a full clampdown. Trump and Pence will not give up and neither will the millions who support the fascist program.
Aug 27, 2017 8 tweets 4 min read
Arpaio was convicted of violating constitutional rights in defiance of a court order re: racial profiling. A pardon means that's OK. #thread Convicted for willfully disobeying the law after a court ordered him to stop singling out drivers based on ethnicity &detaining w/o charges,
Aug 26, 2017 7 tweets 4 min read
Trump meets w Abbott hours before a massive storm hits a huge population of poor working people of color. #HurricaneHarvery #thread But there is no plan for organizing the moving of hundreds of thousands of people to safety, and providing food, shelter, and care for them.