Richard Gillard Profile picture
I'm disgusted by the behaviour of our evil, greedy & gutless politicians who kowtow to the vile, genocidal maniacs, in Israel, at the #WEF & at the #WHO!
Jun 12, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
@goddeketal This:


I didn't believe a word of it! There was far too much theatre involved; people wandering around in White Hazard Suits, and the story repeating night after night.

I thought, "They're lying to me" then. When the same theatre happened during… @goddeketal I thought, "They're lying to me again!"

I'll go further. Several journalists had suggested 9/11 was an inside job. They'd also asked, "Who benefits?"

When I saw this:

& this:

& heard Paul Wolfowitz needed "A New Pearl Harbour
Feb 3, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read

I've been watching this:

You belittled #TheFabledTimesOfLondon. I'd like you to know that it WAS an excellent Newspaper, before #RupertMurdoch got his grubby little hands on it DECADES ago!

By the way: I love your desk!

It's beautiful!… Also, @TuckerCarlson, the @guardian was an excellent Newspaper, before @BillGates started donating to it.

Regrettably, #HeWhoPaysThePiperCallsTheTune, so TWO once great #Newspapers are now good to wipe one's bottom on!

Actually, the Guardian still has one or two good writers!
Jan 30, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read

Have you seen #TheJamesBondFilm SPECTRE?

It's like watching #AVeryCleverScriptWriter showing us where #WeAreGoing #PoliticallySpeaking


#C Symbolises all #CorruptPoliticians from #ChrisWhitty to #SuellaBraverman

#JamesBond, #MoneyPenny, #Q & #M ... @naomirwolf:

#JamesBond, #MoneyPenny, #Q & #M are the #Heroes #WeCanDreamOf but #WillNeverHave, pulling us #BackFromTheBrink at one #millisecond before the end of #TheEleventhHour!

It's a very #clever piece of #Satire by a #ScriptWriter who can see #Exactly #WhereWeAreGoing!
Jan 26, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
@gardencourtlaw When I asked my second question, earlier this evening, picking up on someone else's question about the #Judiciary & the #Government, I was wondering if the Judiciary could offer protection against our Government becoming #Totalitarian. @gardencourtlaw A lot of #British #MPs are members of the #WEF, or (at least) they go to #Davos every year.

If @ProfKlausSchwab were to decide to lead the #WEF in the direction of a #WorldWide, #globalist #FourthReich, who could stop him if all of our MPs had divided loyalties?
Jan 25, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
@naomirwolf @NaomiAKlein People like you two make me love people of your ethnicity / religion & people like #Fauci & #Netanyahu remind me there are people of your ethnicity & religion I hate.

Words like #antisemitism make it sound like all #Jews are the same. @naomirwolf @NaomiAKlein You two are the most cultured & lovely people I have ever known. People like #Fauci, #Gates & #Netanyahu have (in my view) no right to be called human. They are the most vile pieces of excrement I have ever encountered.

So much love & so much hate.
Nov 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Dear @stephenfryTV


No one has a right to terrify young children, as I was terrified at school, with threats of an eternity in the Fires of Hell! @stephenfryTV The only good things about having had a Roman Catholic education is that it has given me a unique perspective on history and a love of:

Dave Allen, Spinoza & The Marquise de Sade!

The Marquise de Sade in particular, mocks & berates the Catholic Church splendidly!
Nov 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Dear @stephenfryTV


No one has a right to terrify young children, as I was terrified at school, with threats of an eternity in the Fires of Hell! @stephenfryTV The only good things about having had a Roman Catholic Church is that it has given me a unique perspective on history and a love of:

Dave Allen, Spinoza & The Marquise de Sade!

The Marquise de Sade in particular, mocks & berates the Catholic Church splendidly!
Nov 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
@metpoliceuk If one looks at this page on your website:

One gets the impression you #GiveADamn about #AntisocialBehaviour. If one tries to use that page, one discovers that you don't care.

Can I use it to #TipYouTheWink about #AProblemInTheMaking? No!… @metpoliceuk Yesterday, at about 6:00 PM, in New Barnet, I encountered a young man, on his bicycle, on the pavement, performing wheelies & doing so in a manner that could be described as threatening.

Five or six much younger children were laughing in admiration.
Nov 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
@reginalddhunter He's witty. I'll give him that, but he still demonises the other side of the #ColdWar, compared to his own side, as being the #villain, whereas America (and we #Brits, their tame poodle) have been responsible for more atrocities, from #Vietnam to #Iraq and ... ... We: The #British, the #Americans & #NATO as a whole, have been responsible for more #atrocities than (to my knowledge) #Russia has ever executed!

Our joint crimes include:

#Vietnam, #Iraq, #Libya and #SevenCountriesInFiveYears, as reported by @GeneralClark.

Nov 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
@IanMcKellen "Falstaff is the hardest role to perform."

I rather suspect that depends on one's character, Mr McKellen.

As a young man who grew up on a #CouncilEstate & witnessed the word #Coward, used to motivate all manner of nonsensical bravado ...… Falstaff's philosophy is, for me, the very air I breath!

"honour pricks
me on. Yea, but how if honour prick me off when I
come on? how then? Can honour set to a leg? no: or
an arm? no: or take away the grief of a wound? no.
Honour hath no skill in ..."…
Nov 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I see @Robinsonbeds have gone cashless, following the #Covid #Lockdown.

I find this very unhelpful. In any #sports facility, one is going to be separated from one's clothes from time to time. Carrying #CreditCards & #DebitCards is a #SecurityRisk! It is true @RobinsonPool provide lockers for the time one is swimming.

When one enters the shower facilities, however, the #lockers do not function as lockers, unless one has remembered to bring one's own #padlock.
Nov 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Here is a video of the mass slaughter of pilot whales in the Faroe Islands:

How is this different to what is happening every day in #Gaza?

For the whales it's a quick death. For the citizens of Gaza, this is their whole life, every night & every day! #Israel excuse their constant attacks on #Gaza, saying #Hammas are using the population as #HumanShields.

Here is a presentation, which mentions an Al Jazeera investigation of Israeli accusations, that there are "Hammas Tunnels" under a Gaza Hospital:

Nov 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I know I shouldn't say this, but I wish I'd been "assaulted" by an older woman when I was a young man of 17!

Believing the nonsensical #dogmatic assertions of the Roman Catholic Church (that sex was a sin) I was a virgin until I was 20. This resulted in a #LifetimeOfDebauchery! I'm certain I'd have had a much more normal life, & a happy marriage, if I'd have got my frustrated lusts out of my system as a young man, instead of bottling it up & beginning a life of debauchery & #DominatrixFantasy, by losing my #virginity to a #DominatrixProstitute aged 20!
Nov 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
@davidicke I have been listening to this discussion about #JimmySavile, #KingCharles, #TedHeath & #LordMountbatten (See: ).

It's fascinating!

However, you need buffers. Perhaps @garethicke is one, who understand the populace.…
@davidicke I say this because you routinely discuss the #Occult.

Most people are (effectively) #Atheists, as far as the Occult is concerned.


I know Shakespeare was right (See onwards)

But many people are put off by the…
Oct 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
@DschlopesIsBack Am I deluded, or is #HillaryClinton a #BarkingMad, #Genocidal #Psychopath?

I still remember her relish over killing #Gaddafi and turning #Libya, a once thriving country, into a #StoneAge #Monstrosity with #SlaveMarkets!

Added to which ... @DschlopesIsBack Added to which, didn't #HillaryClinton accuse @realDonaldTrump of colluding with #Russia and then suggest that doing so (IF he did so!) was #treason?

Why is Hillary so #GungHo about colluding with #China? Why is that NOT treason and why are people so stupid ...
Oct 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
@LozzaFox This is a beautiful Fuck You to the authorities, Lawrence Fox.

What's more, the police officers could have stopped you filming this, if they'd wanted to.

They must be getting pretty sick of this shit, too.

Now, when the Army also feels, "Fuck this!", things are ... @LozzaFox ... when the army also feels, "Fuck this", things are going to get very interesting indeed!

The #HouseOfCommons is guarded by #ArmedPolice with #SubMachineGuns!

Think on that, @RishiSunak & @PennyMordaunt. The #WEF won't help you then!

I suggest you tell your ...
Dec 5, 2022 5 tweets 9 min read
@XAVIAERD #BillGates. He's an #evil, #hypercritical, #genocidal #Maniac, masquerading as a Philanthropist!

Everybody thinks he was the #BigCheese of #ComputerSoftware. That's not true, either. I was privileged to program on Digital Equipment (#DEC) Computers ... When I programmed #DEC #Computers, running #DEC #Software, #computing was fun. I loved it. Then along comes #BillGates with #MSDos, which I believe he ripped off anyway, and suddenly everyone's talking #ComputerViruses! ...
Nov 3, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Dear @Joancollinsdbe

I have been watching Seven Thieves, a movie from 1960. You starred with Rod Steiger & Edward G. Robinson.

Please may I say it was a fabulous movie and you were fabulous in it!

I was born in 1952. I'm 70 now. I've been in love with you since I was ten! You're immaculate, @Joancollinsdbe!

Of course, you're not the only star of the silver screen I've fallen in love with. Shakira Cain, Caroline Munro, @carolvorders, Barbara Murray (or rather her Alta Ego, Lady Pamela Wilder), my one time neighbour, Eve Pearce & Susan Hampshire.
Jul 19, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Dear @AnneRobinson

You seemed to be doing a lot of flirting with Phil and Richard on Countdown this morning ... @AnneRobinson I believe the episode first went out about five days ago - Rachel was dressed like a Sunset , white at the top and movie from pink to red as one's eyes moved down to the lower regions of her sartorial seduction.

But it's not Rachel I'm interested in, it's you.
Jun 17, 2022 4 tweets 6 min read
@thetimes For a while, after your own #Newspaper ceased to be #ANewspaperWorthReading, the @guardian fulfilled that role for you. Recently, however #EvilBillGates has since [effectively] purchased #TheGuardian and, since he is [effectively] #TheDevilIncarnate, it now between ... @thetimes It is now between you and the @Telegraph to fight for the role of being Britain's #BestNewspaper. If you fail, that role could go to the @DailyMailUK!

Think how ironic that will be.

If you & the @guardian cannot refrain from blatant #propaganda you can no longer ...
May 10, 2022 5 tweets 7 min read
No #sane man would live with a #ViolenceProne, #PhysicallyAbusive #woman, with a #Femdom, #Gynarchy based ideology, who's built like a #tank and #ScaresTheShit out of every man she encounters!

So whoever you are & wherever you are, your life must be lonely.

Please come to me! Because, while no #sane man would want you, this clearly bonkers chap longs for an #assertive, #giantess of a #woman, with #MusclesOfSteel, who can make any fan of #NamioHarukawa's art work so week at the knees, he would virtually pine away with longing for her!