Rivka Profile picture
Activist/Organizer: Chronic illness, disability, ME, Lyme, women • Writer: Washington Post, MarieClaire, NPR, Ms, Newsweek • Playwright: Many productions/events
Aug 6, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Question: Seeking recommendations for the best TENS unit — that will allow me to try non-invasive Stellate ganglion blocks, as per this study: Efficacy of Noninvasive SGB Performed Using Physical Agent Modalities..: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… The above meta-analysis cites this paper: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25103974/
Dec 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Since @NewsHour aired my #BriefButSpectacular interview in April, I remain too sick & weak to function most of the time. The only new thing? There are now tens of (hundreds of?) thousands new folks struggling along w me: The staggering # of people w #LongCovid is growing daily FYI: 1.1 million people viewed my 4 min #briefbutspectacular video when @NewsHour 1st aired it (that’s their nightly viewership). Then 120,000 more watched on PBSNewsHour social media platforms. That kind of awareness raising is how we’ll change things for #MEcfs & #LongCovid
Sep 27, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
VERY EXCITING! Drs. Liisa Selin & Anna Gil, of the Univ. of Massachusetts Medical school, now have a fundraising webpage. Please folks, support this two-woman research lab investigating #MEcfs, #LongCovid, EBV & more. Details on their "Classy" webpage. - give.classy.org/SelinImmunolog… The Selin Lab, a two-woman lab, gets a lot done! Read all about it on their "Classy" webpage. Top immunologists and ME/CFS researchers have told me they think the Selin Lab is on to something big. give.classy.org/SelinImmunolog…
Mar 17, 2021 9 tweets 6 min read
Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Assoc. (@MassMECFS) is thrilled to announce NIH has awarded a $2.5 million grant for #MECFS to the two-woman Univ of Mass. Medical School (@UMassMedical) research team of Liisa Selin, MD, PhD, and Anna Gil, PhD

Press release: massmecfs.org/30-news/758-ex… @MassMECFS is pleased to have supported this research team, including notifying our newsletter recipients that these innovative researchers had received @PlzSolveCFS's Ramsey award & needed blood. People responded enthusiastically, allowing this research to move forward.