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Expert on FCPUI (Factually Correct Practically Useless Information) Of course I talk to myself! Sometimes I need expert advice🤷‍♂️ Hop on, for 🏏 🏑 🕉 🛕
Feb 8 8 tweets 2 min read
Ever wondered why:

Japanese encephalitis and Acute Encephalitis claimed 50k children between 2005-17, (1 @ 2hr for TWELVE years) - you didn’t hear a squeak?

Until 100 died in a month, 3 months after Yogi Adityanath took over? Remember the vultures?

Its down to 0 this year 😮 Ever wondered how for TEN years Yamuna was only RW twitter trend. The same media that speak truth to power never mentioned Yamuna ONCE to Kejriwal?

Today trends were out (not even results), they demanded to know when BJP would clean Yamuna.
Even they know AAP won’t only BJP can!
Dec 24, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
Ever wondered why,

Of the 33 members in the GST Council, 2 are Central and 31 from the States, but acc to you, Nirmala is solely running GST by fatwas according to her mood?

Sample this: Out of 55 GST councils so far, 53 have been unanimous, with only 2 needing a vote.
11 INDI state FMs have given 53 unanimous consents so far, (since Day 1 of GST).

But no, you think GST was invented by Nirmala as Commerce Minister in 2017, with no skin in the game for State FMs
Sep 27, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
In short how does this compare with the rest of the industry -

it’s okay to say we are behind/just starting in this line, but we’ll get there and here’s how…

But do you have AWARENESS? Of where the world is going and where your initiative/proposal will get us in x amt of time? It’s one of the most basic things which I can imagine everyone here in a corporate setup can relate to.

Basic industry/competitor awareness.
Basic awareness of where you want to be as an organisation instead of meandering and letting things happen as they are.
Sep 27, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
This comment by @KishoreIyer5 on how our leaders thought we would be balkanised anyway, set me thinking:

Any time I make a policy or proposal, the FIRST thing the leaders ask for is “what’s the industry trend/benchmark study/what are our peers doing?” In short how does this compare with the rest of the industry -

it’s okay to say we are behind/just starting in this line, but we’ll get there and here’s how…

But do you have AWARENESS? Of where the world is going and where your initiative/proposal will get us in x amt of time?
Aug 21, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
For all those handwringing that Modi isn’t running the country exactly the way you want, with no wiggle room and no room for discussion or dissent from your self-conceived utopia, consider this: His job is to
1. Win elections
2. Run the country

In that order. That bit is important.

Your utopian fetishes will get him nowhere electorally. They’re just good for drawing rooms and social media.
Oct 12, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read

Under the UN Partition plan of 1947, Israel was given 62% of the area of undivided Palestine (25k km², half desert).

So the Arabs got 38% of the area?
That's roughly 9.5k km²?

So why is today's Palestine only 6k km²?

Here's why: They could have easily accepted the Palestinian state in the rest of the 1947 territory, but no, 23 Arab countries didn't want ONE Jewish state in their midst.

So on 15 May 1948, barely a day after the new sovereign State of Israel is formed, they all gang up on Israel
Sep 25, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
For sepoys who think India is pursuing a "muscular Hindu Nationalist" foreign policy now, here's a flashback:

In May 1998, after the Pokhran II Tests, there was uproar. The Big Boys were upset Indian intelligence had pulled off something the US had twice leaned on India against. The existing nuclear powers screamed bloody murder. UN Security Council Resolution 1172 was adopted with ALL the 5 Permanent Members unanimous in their condemnation.

Nothing surprising, the wind WAS blowing the anti India way 🤷‍♂️

However look at the 10 non Permanent members:
Sep 5, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Unpopular Opinion: Much as the furore over #UdhayanidhiStalin's contemptible comments rages, it's not going to dent their electoral prospects one bit, on its own.

Here's why: Fact is worse has been said about Hindus for 80 years in TN. The people saying that have only gone from strength to strength in the electoral arena.

The Hindu-hating once-fringe is now the mainstream, entrenched in most walks of life.
Mar 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
UPI SUBSIDY - What the nattering nabobs of digital negativity selectively hide: There's a figure doing the rounds put out by the Govt, that they spent ₹1,044 crores last year to ask banks make our UPI transactions free.

Here's why, for all the rumours of UPI carrying a fee going forward, it may never see the light of day.
Apr 28, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
This is a metal mask that was worn during slavery in the West.

There were 3 main reasons: 1) To avoid s|aves eating the harvested fruit like apples, pineapples, oranges, cashews, bananas, sugar, etc. out of hunger, however they were forced to work consistently on all plantation farms.
Jun 16, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read

Let's start from basics
1. Crude Oil Price: $ 70.67/barrel(≈ 159 l)
2. That's ₹32.39/litre of crude oil
3. Cost of refinery processing = ₹3.6/litre

It therefore goes to petrol pump @ ₹ 35.99/litre

This is the important bit👇 4. Central Taxes: ₹32.9/l
5. Commission to petrol pump dealers: ₹ 3.79/l

Total (before state VAT): ₹72.68/litre

State VAT (E.g. Delhi: 30%): ₹21.81

And THAT, is how you pay a total of ₹94.49 per litre of petrol.
May 26, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
Enough of the nonsense that the Prime Minister has to do press conferences. Where in his JD is it written?
(Sounds like the complaint of a manager who always does appraisals based on out-of KRA metrics 😂)

Here's why it's nonsense: To make the PM and his Cabinet colleagues accountable, the makers of our Constitution took inspiration from the British Parliament system, and introduced Question Hour as the opening session of a day's Lok Sabha proceedings.
Jun 28, 2020 26 tweets 6 min read
One of the achievements #Modi is mocked for highlighting is one that many of us take for granted - a bank account -
As a nomad who lived out of suitcase in the nascency of netbanking, I know how hard it was to pay a simple BSNL bill when they didn't have online banking yet My college was so strict they wouldn't let us out except on Sundays, so paying it myself was ruled out.
My parents couldn't pay as they were in another State and BSNL there wouldn't collect bills meant for here!
Jun 21, 2020 19 tweets 7 min read
In an earlier thread 👇(written 6 months before #Pulwama) I tried to get into this Most Favoured Nation thingy and why India should immediately strip #Pakistan of that status - economically and geopolitically

Let's try #China now.Would it make sense to revoke China's MFN status? For starters, India seems to enjoy being the punching bag of the world- affectionately called "becoming Vishwaguru" by many in the administration.

God alone knows why India never revoked MFN for Pakistan till Pulwama while Pakistan hasn't made India MFN SINCE DAY 1 OF WTO (1996)
Jun 17, 2020 18 tweets 6 min read
Some people are so clueless, or deliberately treacherous, that they don't call out the #GalwanValley attack for what it is - UNPROVOKED attack on an Indian CO coming to talk peace. You think our journos won't know this?

And yet, they ask where's Modi's nationalism or his 56"! Remember, there was NO gunfire in the #GalwanValley incident. It was close combat. The CO goes to talk. His party of 20 is attacked with cement and iron rods laced with barbed wire. The CO got struck in the eye and fell into the ravines. Another fell after a hit to the head
Jun 7, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Slightly non-populist take on his whole hand-wringing over @Twitter and FB policing online content. 👇

It's their platform. They get to decide what stays and what goes. It's there in the Terms and Conditions. You signed up for it. Now you can't whine! #TwitterPurge If I lent you a car, and said do whatever, but don't go from City X to City Y, would you shut up and conform, or say that violates your freedom of movement?

I give you my car, I set the rules.
Same goes for a SM company's online servers. #TwitterFactCheck
May 14, 2019 21 tweets 10 min read
My timeline is flooded with people pummeling Sanjay Manjrekar for his partisan commentary in the #IPL2019Final. While he could control the urge to keep dissing someone or the other to feel good, should commentators mandatorily be neutral? A few thoughts on that:
@adikulk Why do we need commentary at all when we understand the game? As Richie Benaud put it, the viewer is not an idiot and can see what's going on. If what you want to say does not add to the viewer's experience, shut the hell up!