Schizo Scientist Profile picture
Reflections of a scientist navigating a PhD, schizoaffective disorder, OCD, & celiac disease, trying to #EndTheStigma | #GradChat | #SchizoChat host | they/them
Dec 21, 2019 98 tweets 36 min read
Welcome to #SchizoChat, the biweekly forum where I ask questions, take questions, and post facts about some #schizophrenia-related topic every ~5 minutes for two hours! Today’s topic: "So, you've just been diagnosed with schizophrenia, now what?" I’m not an expert on these topics—I’m merely an individual with schizoaffective disorder hoping to get a conversation going and #EndTheStigma. Please correct me if you notice I’m saying something incorrectly, and please share! #SchizoChat
Dec 12, 2019 127 tweets 47 min read
Welcome to #SchizoChat, the biweekly forum where we discuss a question about life with schizo-type disorders. I’ll ask questions and drop fun facts about the topic in this thread. Today’s topic is caring with someone with a schizo-type disorder! As usual, please ask me your questions. I’ve been super busy running an experiment so I’m behind typing these out but I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. #SchizoChat
Nov 21, 2019 79 tweets 29 min read
Welcome to #SchizoChat, the biweekly forum where I ask questions about your mental health experiences, spout fun (?) facts about schizo-related topics, and answer the questions you send over comment/DM. Today we are talking about consent to treatment! If you’ve missed some of our previous #SchizoChats about schizo symptoms, antipsychotics, asylums and more please check out my pinned tweet—I have them all linked there!

Nov 7, 2019 131 tweets 47 min read
Welcome to #SchizoChat, a two-hour forum where we discuss some topic related to schizo-type illnesses! Today we are talking about stigma! #EndTheStigma So throughout the next two hours I will be adding fun(?) facts about stigma into this thread, asking questions, running polls, and answering your questions/comments! Please share your experiences and knowledge! #SchizoChat
Oct 30, 2019 117 tweets 42 min read
Welcome to #SchizoChat, our weekly forum for discussing a topic about schizo-type illnesses and related topics! I’ll be tweeting a bunch of fun facts about institutions/asylums approximately every 5 minutes for the next two hours, so keep checking in with the thread! Please feel free to ask me any questions at any point (today or otherwise)—comment or send me a DM! #SchizoChat
Oct 23, 2019 129 tweets 44 min read
Are you ready to #SchizoChat, our weekly series where we spout fun facts about schizo-type illnesses, ask questions, and generate conversation to help #EndTheStigma? Last week we discussed treating schizo-type illnesses with antipsychotic medication. If you missed that #SchizoChat check it out here (in html format):…
Or this thread:
Oct 16, 2019 116 tweets 48 min read
Today’s #SchizoChat is all about antipsychotics. What are they, why are they useful, how are they controversial, and what do you need to know about them? #schizophrenia #schizoaffective #psychiatry Before I begin, a quick word: this can be a very controversial topic, as we will delve in later. All folks’ opinions are valid (especially their personal experiences!) so don’t be mean! These drugs can really impact lives for the good or bad. #SchizoChat
Oct 9, 2019 114 tweets 40 min read
Welcome to the first #SchizoChat! A (hopefully) weekly Twitter forum to discuss topics related to schizo-type diseases (i.e. schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, etc.) and help #EndTheStigma Before we begin, please know that I’m not under any delusion that these will be far-reaching—yet. This account is less than a month old, after all. But I’m hoping to get a conversation rolling. Like what you see? Help spread this with the hashtag and RT! #SchizoChat