Shauna Sowersby Profile picture
WA State Government Reporter for @mcclatchy. Former freelancer. Navy Veteran. UW alum. (She/her)
Jun 12 5 tweets 2 min read
An attorney in a lawsuit against one governor’s cabinet agency contacted me after this story published and said that they tried to push back against the AG’s office for the 7-day policy, calling the issue of automatic deletion “extremely problematic.”… And a new record (not included in the story) even showed that the CIO for the Dept of Financial Institutions was surprised it had taken so long for the 7-day retention issue to become public. She’s referring to my first article about Teams from last Oct in this message. Image
Aug 23, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Shots fired in downtown Portland #Portland Saw this person prior to the shooting holding his gun in one hand and clip on the other. He later put the clip in and pointed his gun at counter protestors.
Feb 1, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
As I’m approaching the Red Lion Hotel in Olympia where @OlyHousingNow bought rooms earlier, two SWAT teams and a massive group of Oly PD passed me. “In the middle of a pandemic, the blood is in your fucking hands!” Shouts a passerby in front of the Red Lion hotel where over 30 house less folks are about to be evicted.
Jan 11, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Good morning from Olympia, WA where the 2021 legislative session is about to start. Legislators are filing in through a secure entrance guarded by National Guard and WSP. A few demonstrators are here already, one threatening to go inside the gates when session convenes. #waleg National Guard are using the sundial in front of the Legislative building as a staging area as legislators continue to trickle in the security entrance.
Jan 6, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Good afternoon from the Washington State Capitol building in Olympia where hundreds have gathered for “Operation Occupy the Capitol.” #OlympiaProtest Image Protestors are now standing outside of Gov. Jay Inslee’s mansion on the Capitol campus chanting, “open the gates!” Some are banging their flags on the metal gates. No word if Inslee is currently here or not. #OlympiaProtest
Dec 12, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
Good morning from the WA State Capitol in Olympia where several groups will be meeting this afternoon including Trump supporters and counter-protestors. A wedding party is here as some of the Trump supporters begin to arrive. #OlympiaProtest Behind the Temple of Justice, a man wearing body armor and carrying a high capacity assault weapon is watching counter-protestors who have gathered at Capitol Lake down below. #OlympiaProtest
Aug 9, 2020 10 tweets 6 min read
Quite the fire going just down the street from the Portland Police Association. Overheard someone say, “Here we are 2020... here we are. End of the world.” Great start to the night. #PortlandProtests Protestors have taken off the boarding on the PPA, Portland Police now declaring an unlawful assembly and telling people to leave immediately. #PortlandProtests
Jun 18, 2020 15 tweets 8 min read
Walking with a group westbound on Pine as they chant, “out of your homes, into the streets” during the #seatleprotests Bus driver honking in support of the demonstrators heading westbound now on Pine. #seattleprotest
Jun 11, 2020 9 tweets 6 min read
Good evening from the #CHAZ in Seattle over on Pine and 10th “This is now a community center” reads one sign hanging outside the East Precinct in the #CHAZ