Speak Up For Women Profile picture
A non-partisan organisation that exists to protect and advance the sex based rights of women and girls in New Zealand. https://t.co/FzuU7Zfmge
Aug 1, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
We’re pleased to see that the Government intends to amend the BDMRR Bill to make it clear that gender indenty does not supersede sex. #nzpol #bdmrr #sexmatters dia.govt.nz/diawebsite.nsf… This clarifies that existing rights to single sex spaces will be retained. A Birth Certificate no longer provides evidence of its contents: it is now just an ‘identity prop’.
Aug 1, 2021 28 tweets 6 min read
Our talk about sex self-identification is about the start and we’ll be live tweeting. Pull up a seat! #nzpol @beth_nosnhoj starts by introducing the group “We formed in 2018 out of necessity, to fight sex self-ID within the Births, Deaths, and Marriages Bill, as we could see that the bill contained serious consequences for women and girls, and no other groups were speaking up.
Jul 12, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
The danger of silence: As we’ve toured the country we’ve seen the young age of those who oppose us, and the radical and unscientific beliefs they hold. They believe that trans identified males are literally female and that even to say sex matters politically is hateful. 1/10 A protest has been organised to confront women entering our meeting this Thursday at the Michael Fowler Centre in Wellington. The organisers use inflammatory language. Look at this screenshot - they are telling young vulnerable kids who will read this that we hate them 2/10
Jun 21, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
We’ve just filed High Court proceedings against @aucklandcouncil and @PNCityCouncil, following the cancellation of room bookings for our public events that were to go ahead later this week. Nicolette Levy QC will be acting on our behalf, with the support of @NZFreeSpeech. #NZpol The events were to discuss controversial sex self-identification clauses within the Births, Deaths, Marriages, Relationships, Registration Bill which is currently before Parliament. speakupforwomen.nz/lets-talk-abou… #BDMRR #SexMatters
Jun 12, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Thanks to everyone who took action to demand public consultation on sex self-ID. The pressure we put on the government has forced them to put the issue to New Zealanders in a submission process.

Statements from Minister @jantinetti make it clear that she has made up her mind… and does not see sex self-ID as having implications on the rights of women. This shows that she sees consultation as a box ticking exercise rather than something that will inform her decision making.
Nov 18, 2019 37 tweets 5 min read
Tweeting live from Feminism2020 Auckland: Ani: What is at the core of the negative reactions to you?
Meghan: its unfortunate because there could be dialogue between GC feminists and Trans activists but nobody will come and debate me which is frustrating.