The States Project Profile picture
We believe that state legislatures are the strongest force for change in America. 💪 If you want to fix our country, work with us in the states. 🇺🇸
Sep 5 8 tweets 2 min read
3 actions you can take right now to protect our kids & why they matter. Because the most strategic action we can take on gun safety is in the states 🧵(1/8) 1️⃣Make a list: The friends you texted when you first heard the devastating news of another school shooting? The parent group chat you’re in? The moms and dads you wave to at drop off each morning? Write down those names. All of them. (2/8)
Oct 4, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This critically important story from @WashingtonPost got upstaged by the political theater of McCarthy’s failed speakership yesterday. Here’s what you need to know. 1/8 🧵… Data shows that policy decisions made by rightwing state lawmakers are literally shortening lives in their states. From policies that reduce smoking rates or lower vehicle-related deaths — rightwing majorities are rejecting the most basic measures proven to save lives. 2/8
Apr 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨Yesterday alone was a masterclass in why we say there are no off years. As all eyes were on a New York courtroom or the Wisconsin State Supreme Court race, we were tracking these rightwing attacks on our democracy. 🧵 Last night, an anti-democracy extremist won a critical WI State Senate special election, holding a rightwing veto-proof Senate supermajority. They have enough power to try their extremist theory that they can remove judges, Cabinet Members, or even a State Supreme Court Justice.
Dec 7, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Moore v. Harper — a case that could dismantle American democracy as we know it. Here are the facts you need to know as arguments get underway. The case argues that state legislatures have unique control over federal elections without any checks and balances like the governor, state constitutions, and state courts.
Nov 12, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Teamwork makes the dream work! 💪 As we celebrate historic wins in state legislatures, we want to highlight incredible national partners that worked side-by-side with us and in-state leaders to power these victories. 🧵 Thank you to @votesaveamerica, who not only worked to ensure more people understood the importance of state legislatures in the fight to defend our democracy, but also helped send dollars to the most critical races in the country.
Nov 9, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
🚨A new MN trifecta. A new MI trifecta. PA House ground gained. The top #Election2022 takeaway? Our electoral work, as part of a nearly $60M investment in states this cycle, made all the difference — despite a national party that overlooks & under invests in state legislatures.🧵 Not only did we help prevent the down-ballot losses that Democrats suffered in 2020, but we also fueled new pro-democracy majorities in several key states that will play an essential role in protecting our democracy in 2024. (2/x)
Sep 15, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
🚨 Endorsement alert! Ending rightwing control in the Michigan legislature this November will come down to these game-changing candidates running in some of the closest races. We’re proud to introduce you to some of the candidates who are giving democracy a fighting chance. ⬇️ Joey Andrews, MI HD-38: An advocate and community organizer, @JoeyforMichigan was born and raised in Southwest Michigan’s coastal communities. He champions clean air and water, sustainable, resilient infrastructure, and good jobs for working families.
Sep 12, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
At The States Project, we’re laser focused on ending unchecked rightwing control of state legislatures. But what does that actually mean? And why should you care about state-level elections happening in states you don’t live in? 🧵(1/6) Let’s look at Arizona as an example: the rightwing holds majorities in both chambers, and last session, they proposed a slew of unpopular, harmful policies that their Republican governor then signed into law. (2/6)
Jul 5, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨Last week, the Supreme Court announced it would take up #MoorevHarper, a case that could end our democracy as we know it. Here’s what you need to know. 1/7 Earlier this year, North Carolina’s state supreme court rejected a new congressional map drawn by the state’s rightwing-controlled state legislature. The court said the maps violated the state constitution because they were too gerrymandered. 2/7
Jun 21, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
🚨 Endorsement alert! In Pennsylvania, new maps have put the Pennsylvania House within striking distance — 103 seats that Biden won versus 100 Trump seats. Flipping 5 seats would end rightwing control and protect 20 electoral votes. 🧵 Shifting the balance of power in the Pennsylvania House will be crucial to protecting the integrity of the presidential election in 2024. Meet the majority-making candidates who we believe can help win governing power this November. ⬇️(2/16)
Jun 18, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
🚨 Endorsement alert! In Arizona, flipping one seat in either chamber would break unchecked rightwing control of the state legislature — giving our democracy a fighting chance. 🧵 Meet the candidates whose majority-making districts we believe will be crucial to creating new majorities in Arizona. ⬇️
Jun 17, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
🚨 Endorsement alert! We know whoever wins power in the states this November will play a critical role in defending — or dismantling — democracy in America. Our mission is to help win governing power for lawmakers who will improve lives & protect our democracy. 🧵 That’s why we’re proud to introduce you to these candidates who will be on the frontlines of this fight: our first round of 2022 endorsees! Follow along over the next few days to meet these majority-making candidates.
Jun 17, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
A key takeaway from yesterday’s January 6th hearing? There is STILL a clear and present threat to our democracy — if Trump and his allies don’t win the presidency in 2024, they have every intention of attempting to steal it again. 🧵 Their plot to steal the election began long before January 6th. The violence we saw in the Capitol was Trump’s last-ditch attempt to force Mike Pence to send the election results back to state legislatures to be stolen. (2/9)
May 26, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Oklahoma is ranked 43rd in the nation for investing in children. Instead of enacting policies to change that, the state’s rightwing majority focused on passing the nation’s most restrictive abortion ban, which was just signed into law. 🧵 (1/7)… The ban strips nearly 1 million Oklahomans of reproductive age of the freedom to make their own decisions about their own bodies. And this won’t just harm Oklahomans. (2/7)
May 25, 2022 8 tweets 1 min read
19 children and two teachers at school.
10 people while grocery shopping.
5 worshippers injured in church, and one lost.
And one glaring, devastating truth: change feels impossible. 🧵 (1/8) Last year, Congress enacted zero laws to promote gun safety, while rightwing majorities in 6 states enacted laws that allow carrying loaded guns in public, without safeguards like background checks and safety training. (2/8)
May 11, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
State lawmakers hold immense power. They can ensure that every child has access to quality public education. That workers are paid a living wage. Or they can insert politics into your medical appointments & strip away your freedom to make decisions about your own body. 🧵 (1/x) If #SCOTUS stays the course and #RoevWade is overturned, radical rightwing majorities in states across the country will have unchecked and absolute power to ban and criminalize abortion. And that’s exactly what they plan to do. (2/x)
Mar 4, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Outraged by the abortion ban that Florida state lawmakers just passed? Us too. So we’re asking you to level up your activism. Here’s how. Thread. (1/10) In these moments, it’s normal to rage-share articles and sign petitions making the internet rounds. But there’s only one way to hold these lawmakers accountable and stop abortion attacks in their tracks: shifting power in state legislatures. (2/10)
Mar 2, 2022 8 tweets 1 min read
Our hearts go out to the people of Ukraine, who are fighting for their lives, and their democracy.
It’s devastating to think of how many lives could be lost and what the world could look like before this is over.
🧵 on democracy. (1/8) We are witnessing a violent, unprovoked assault orchestrated by a political figure determined to expand his own power. But Russia’s attack on Ukraine is a reminder that democracy is, itself, more than a political goal. (2/8)
Mar 13, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
What can your state do about Coronavirus? The NH Senate just stepped up. They passed a package of reforms & initiatives to help NH respond to the virus, including: unemployment insurance benefits for quarantined workers and small business owners... ...job protection for quarantined workers; required waiver of ins. cost-sharing requirements imposed for state employees needing tests/treatment; & requirement of Gov. Sununu & the Dept of Health to apply for a waiver to cover testing/treatment costs for uninsured Granite Staters
Oct 18, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
Here is some real talk that’s an all-to-painful gut punch: we’ve lost #SCOTUS for a generation. But we still have a source of hope: To stop the bad and advance the good, we need to win back the States. (And we can do it.) A thread. #whystatesmatter ☹️Worried about fair voting access? Justified. The #SCOTUS conservative majority has consistently upheld state laws that brazenly suppress voting. Last year, they allowed OH to purge voters from the rolls and in the process protected similar laws in 6 states. BUT THERE IS HOPE!